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Billy playing cards:

Billy playing cards:

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Lev and Yamamoto ran off the bus as soon as they could, yelling and cheering with excitement. The rest of the team followed behind, just not as energetically as Lev and Yamamoto had.

You were the last to hop off the bus. When you did, you reached for your bag only to find Kuroo already carrying it for you and waving for you to follow them.

It was all nice and peaceful at first. It was beautiful and summery; the birds were chirping and the sounds of leaves rustling made you all giddy inside though no one could tell. But then a large sound startled you, but again, no one could tell.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" It was Bokuto sprinting down the stairs with Yukie not far behind him.
"WHERE'S OUR CHILD?!" She yelled.

The whole of Nekoma guarded you so you wouldn't get tackled to the ground by your crazy new parents.
"LET US SEE HER!!" They cried.

Eventually when they both promised not to go overboard, Nekoma slowly stood away from you. Both Bokuto's and Yukies eyes lit up and they both embraced you warmly, patting your head and asking you lot of questions.

"I feel deeply disturbed," said Kenma.
"Yeah," said Kuroo. "You aren't alone." He moved toward you three and told Bokuto and Yukie that was enough.

"Awww boo," said Yukie, but her mood quickly changed. "Let me introduce you to the rest of the managers and where you'll be staying!"

Before any of Nekoma could object, Yukie had taken your arm in hers and sprinted away, dragging you along with her. It was nothing new to you, Lev had a habit of doing it.


"So this is our little set up!" In a small classroom, all these futons were gathered in a circle with a little shrine of K-pop idol Seo Soojin in the middle.

"You can put yours here!" Yukie helped you put away your stuff before taking you down toward the gym. On the way there, you ran into a few of Aoba Johsai's players.

They were coming around the corner and when confronted with you, they all screamed and recoiled. There was four of them but three hid behind this one boy with swished brown hair.

"Sorry," you apologised like normal.
"Don't apologise!" Said Yukie with a tilt of her chin. "They don't deserve it!" And with that, Yukie took your arm again and led you down the hall as the boys' watched in shock.

"Who the hell was that?" Makki asked. "Her eyes made my spine shiver."
"Is she a witch?" Mattsun asked.
"If she is, Makki will be the first one she curses," said Iwaizumi.
"How could you say that to me?!" Makki cried.

As they continued to bicker, Mattsun said to Oikawa, "hey, what are you looking at?" Oikawa's gaze was fixated on the hallway you and Yukie had just walked down.
"Nothing," he said.

To be continued...

𝑵𝒆𝒌𝒐𝒎𝒂'𝒔 𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒓 ★Where stories live. Discover now