Dialogue Prompts-

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1. "Why, hello there, darling." "Ew, no."
2. "You're the one with a knife, do something!" "Anything I do will only make it worse."
3. "Why can't you do it?" "I don't want to ruin my clothes."
4. "This isn't good." "Oh yeah? What gave it away? The fire or the dead body?"
5. "Aren't those poisonous?" "I hope not, I've already had five."
6. "Did you just steal that?" "Of course, there's no way I'd be able to afford it."
7. "If you love me then you have to let me go." "If you love me then you will stay."
8. "Do not leave me. Please..."
9. "Kiss me." "No, you kiss me."
10. "Sunsets are beautiful." "Yes, but not as beautiful as you."
11. "What's your problem?" "You."
12. "If you're going to kill me, can I at least pick the way how I die?" "Can you please shut up."
13. "Listen to me!" "That's kind of hard when you're screaming at my face."
14. "We have a problem. Let me guess, you caused it?"
15. "No way. You are actually jealous." "I am not."
16. "You're hurt." "Yes..."
17. "Lean on me." "Are you joking?"
18. "You're alright. We're getting out of here, you're going to heal and we are going to keep fighting like we always do." "I hope so."
19. "I- I love you." "I can't choose between mocking you and telling you I love you too."
20. "Wow. You're uglier than people give you credit for."


I'm doing this for the first time! So excited!! Give me a number and a character and I'll try my best to write for you!!! 😁💕

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