Pieces part 4

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Pieces Part 4

Pairing: Azriel x Reader

Summary: Reader finally deciding to give Azriel one last chance.

A/N: hehehe. (Unedited again sorry!)


"Boo! Next!" Mor boos on my yellow dress and Feyre's face screams 'not good. I groan out and go back to my stall, closing the certain and taking off the dress

My friends forcefully brought me to a boutique to buy something new, stating that at the occasion on me surviving a whole month alone and not getting fired from the library is an occasion to be celebrated. They're taking me out to Rita's tonight and want me to wear something 'nice'. Despite my whines of not needing a new outfit, they picked out a bunch of dresses for me to try and show them for they're approval.

I wear the pink princess cut dress next and get out to show them. They make a face and Feyre comments,"too formal." I sigh and get back in.

"You know I feel like Rhys has been too tired lately." Mor says, probably to Feyre from outside the stall as I try to tie the threads on the back of my next dress. "Yes, he has been. He also stays in his office so much lately because he's trying to do all the work alone." Feyre responds.

"Oh why is that?" Mor again asks. "You know because he's given Azriel a leave." My ears perk up at the name. "Oh yes! I met with Az earlier this week actually, to coax him into coming to eat with us but he only opened the door for one minute and slamed it again after saying no to my face. Gods he looked so thin." I freeze. "And the bags under his eyes! I am so worried about him. I fear he'll rot himself in that very room."

They probably didn't wanted me to hear but I did. I imagine him with dark circles around his eyes, sucked in body and covered in shadows. With his head, stting on the floor, silently as his shadows hide him from the world. I can imagine the scene perfectly, having found him like that in our house many times. I frown at the though of my husband being depressed.

I shake the thought out of my mind and focus on properly wearing my dress.

I smooth out the creases of my dress and stand still in the mirror. Looking at myself, trying out a burgundy flowy dress, a heart neckline with line stapes, that's tighten around my middle and then let lose until the end. I look beautiful. I smile to myself and turn a bit to see the back, it's perfect.

I yank the certain aside and show my outfit to my apparent judges. They're conversation abrutly stops as they look at me and smile. "Perfect." Mor's grin widens and Feyre nods while giving a thumbs up.

"I think so too." I giggle and look down at myself swaying a little to see my dress move with me. I get into the stall and close the certain again to get out of the dress and buy it.

But I can't stop thinking about what Feyre said though. My imagine of him stays in my mind the whole day, making a sad, knowing how much he's suffering. It's not that he doesn't deserve it but, I mean, he's still my mate. I still love him. How can I not be sad for him?

Maybe it's time I give azriel a chance.


"Y/N!" I startle hearing a sudden yell of my name, droping the books I was from my hands. I curse under my breath and crouch down to pick it up, someone kneels down in front of me, helping me by collecting the rest of the books.

We both stand up together and as I look up to thank the person, my words die in my mouth seeing a gorgeous male in front of me with emerald green eyes. His chocolate brown hair, wavy shoulder cut length seem a little greasy which juat adds to the handsome look.

"Here you go." My eyes widen listening to his deep voice and focusing on his dashing smile. My hands blinding taking the books from his and our fingers graze each other. My eyes snap to his hands, taking in the large fingers, following up to the veiny arms and big muscles.

I breath out.

"Thank you." I finally manage to say. His smile widens. He nods and steps back, turning around and disappearing behind the aisle. I find myself hoping to see him again when a tap to my shoulder brings me back to earth.

I turn around and let out a small shriek, stepping back when seeing Layla's face too close to mine. "What are you doing?!" I manage not to let the books fall again.

"What are you doing? We have to get back to work, there are a lot of customers today and I do not want to mess up when Hilda left me in charge. Now get back to work!" She turns around and goes back to the counter. I pout at her yelling, I can't blame her though, there truly are a lot of customers today. I should probably listen to her and try not to add on her stress.

I sigh and get back to work.


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