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Pairing: Elain x Reader
Summary: Two best friends in a room, they might kiss.
A/N: it's been a while Since I wrote anything. Hope you like this.


It's been months after Elain and Nesta were thrown into the cauldron and while nesta was ragging and snapping at everyone, Elain had locked herself in her room refusing to talk to anyone. Feyre had tried everything but her sisters refused to give her any time to talk. Then when she finally gave up and asked others in our family to try and speak to them, we had agreed.

Nesta has come around a little finding friends and building a relationship with cassian, no matter it be a hateful one, at least she's listening to him.

Elain has made friends with Nuala and Cerridwen and me. When I tried talking to her at first, I had quickly realized that she didn't avoid me like she everyone.

Well, me and Azriel, but at least she's talking to someone. I often see them talking and walking together. She always has a look on her face that tells me, she's clearing fond of him.

As much as I know it shouldn't bother me. It does.

I had early on realized that I liked being with Elain. At first, I thought nothing of it but after feeling a rush of jealously and hurt while seeing her with Azriel, I knew my feeling were much greater than I realized.

I had developed a crush on her.

The realisation hit me hard. I'd spent the entire day locking myself in my room and pacing around over thinking everything. I didn't tell anyone about it. How could I? The male she is mated to is my friend. And the male she is interested in has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I joined the inner circle not long after Mor did. I can't betray him.

So now, I steal glances of her when she's distracted, filling myself with fake hope that maybe, just maybe, she does the same to me too.

But I know I'm not true.

She likes azriel and there's nothing I can, or will, do about it except be there for her whenever she needs me and hope that my silly crush fades away with time.

And that's exactly what I'm doing right now.

Nobody is in the River house this evening except I and Elain. Feyre and Rhysand are gone on a date and the others are gods know where. So it's just us.

"I'm told you this was a bad idea." I say aloud, referring to Elain's idea of cracking open one of Rhysands infamous wine bottles and drink ourselves dead.

I turn to look at her, blinking multiple times, trying to clear the dizziness in my head from the moment. I look at her layed over the couch with one hand over her head looking up at the ceiling and the other hanging off to the ground, holding the bottle to the ground.

"El?" I shook her foot from where I'm draped on the could near her feet, half sitting halfing laying. She removes her hand and arches her neck to see me as she mumbles for the repeat my question.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask instead and turn my head to see her.

"I was thinking," She sighs. "How I've never done something adventurous." She puts her hand down and frowns. Her lower lip jualting out a little.

"What do you mean?" I pivot myself in her direction, supporting my head on a hand on the back rest while the other lightly draws circles on her foot, my brain too distracted to stop me from how good it feels to touch her.

She suddenly sits up. "I mean like intimately. I've never done anyone adventurous that makes me crazy. I have only ever been with one man so I don't know if there is anything that I haven't felt." Her eyes widened as she looks at me trying to get me to understand.

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