Freshmen Year.

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    People say that High school would be the best years of your life. Always having fun, awesome teachers, love and romances, everyone would be friendly and nice, easy to have a lot of friends. Well those 'people' are my family. It was easy for them, but high school is not like they said when I first went to it. I was never ready for high school but here I am starting as a freshman at Winster High, home of the Alfa Wolves. I guess you can say its the best high school in California.

    As always I would say good bye to my mom and walk to my original stop to wait for the bus. When I walked over the first person I saw was Ryan Hunter, he was cute, sweet, and tall, but also my best friend since third grade. He was wearing kaki joggers, white air forces, a simple red polo, and a levi bag. was it just me or did he get a hair cut that looked like Prince Royce's and his hazel eyes got lighter. "well you look at that, my shorty finally came to the bus stop" Ryan said to me and gave me a big hug. "you still call me shorty till this day" I responded. "obviously, you will always be my shorty" Ryan said back. I laughed for a bit then i hear a voice behind Ryan.

    "seriously, I don't get a 'oh my god carol' or a hug, sigh" it was Carol Harmon. Carol has bin around since forever. She is the type that loves to plan parties and outfits and loves to go shopping, trust me every weekend I see her, her question would be 'what to go to the mall'. she straighten her blonde hair and tied it up with a hair tie, she has a flowered sweater, blue skinny jeans, and white converse. "oh my god Carol!" Ryan and I shouted and ran up to Carol and had a group hug. "alright that's better" Carol said and we all laughed. "Uh oh Jenna Torres alert". Jenna Torres is the worst person that you don't want to be friends with trust me I know, she becomes your friend at one point then talks crap about you the next. She would do anything to get attention or make rumors. "oh look its the new idiots of Winster High' Jenna said and laughed. "oh look its dumb ass Winster High cheerleader" Carol spat. Jenna got super quiet, gave a look, and walked way while me and Ryan look at each other with surprise. "how did you know she was a cheerleader" I asked. "seriously, she tells everyone she is a cheerleader just to be better then everyone else it spreads around" Carol answered and crossed her arms. "what does being a cheerleader have to do with popularity" I also questioned. "because not every girl can be a cheerleader, who ever gets accepted by the caption your in and its super hard, but if you get in that will make you part popularity" Carol answered. "that's stupid" I spat. "its just how it is, its stupid I know" Carol sighed. "well what can we do, were just normal teenagers" Ryan shrugged. "barely" I said, rolling my eyes and laughed.

The bus finally came and we all got on board, Carol and I sat at the middle of the bus and Ryan sat in front of us and turns around to talk to us. When we got to the second stop, my best friend of all time Amanda Scott, the most funniest person I have ever met, but is also the most caring and serious person when it comes to problems. she has changed so much and its amazing how she did her brown hair was gone and now its dirty blonde all curled up, with her amazing tan. But her outfit, a Ramones band tank, Basic black jeans, black High topped boots, and a pink backpack. She was the fifth one to get on the bus and saw us and said "oh my god its my babies!". i looked at Carol and smiled and looked back at Amanda and she sat with Ryan. 13 min. went by with our none stop talks about our memories we had and how much we missed each other and that brought a real smile to my face. Before I knew it we got to school. I never thought the school would be so huge, no wonder it was, and still so popular.

"So you guys, what if there is a chance we get a class together?" Ryan said when we were walking to the double doors to get inside the school. "oh please, I doubt it" Jenna said and flipped her Night Black Hair and walked passed us. we all said 'bitch' under our breaths and we looked at each other and laughed. "haha! Best friends goals" Amanda Said. when we got threw the double doors it leaded us to the court yard and it was massive like we were going to college, and if you stand in the middle you would see from a far, stairs from left to right, straight, and behind to go up to three stories. If you look straight, you would see the cafeteria, and that's were we were going. when we got inside I never thought a Cafeteria would be so big, well it was bigger then the one at my middle school. All you see is freshmen every were in the cafeteria trying to get there schedules.

We all saw a lot of people we knew, Rebecca, Ashton, Joey, Samantha, Erik, Tommy, Ethan, Rose, Evelyn, Melissa, Jose, Carrie, Martha, and so much more but they were all so busy and so confused. Carol, Ryan, Amanda and I all looked at each other and nodded and ran left and right to go to our separate ways like little ants.

{Jenna Torres's P.O.V }

I saw Ryan, Amanda, Allison, and Carol all ran in separate ways I thought it was super dumb. I saw Julie Evens my 'best friend' in the world. "Julie over here" I yelled out waving at her. "what up, girl I haven't seen you in forever" Julie said walking to me opening her arms for a hug. "a four month summer vacation isn't forever, anyways were is Marcus" I asked. "oh last time I saw him was at line five" she responded. "well come on lets go over there" I snapped and pulled her arm. I saw Marcus, but him checking out Allison.

I was in full on rage but look at her. She was beautiful with her natural brown hair all loose perfectly, a silver bracelet, Blue Skinny jeans, basic dark hip mid which she was trying to pull it down so her stomach wont show, white Nike shoes, and a black back pack. I don't want to admit I'm jealous of her it would make me look bad. and what really pissed me off was that Allison looked at him and they both smiled and I had to end that by speed walking to Marcus and kissing him on the lips because of course he was my boyfriend.

"missed me" I said to Marcus. "yeah" Marcus said with a smile and kissed me again on my lips. I look back at Allison she was at line Four already having her schedule for her classes and didn't even notice I wanted to rub it in her face but it didn't work, but whatever I'll live.

{Allison's P.O.V}

I got my schedule and the bell rang for the first class and I looked at it and it said 'First Period Mrs. Ortiz Room 3-104 so I had to go up stairs to the second floor on the left side of the building. when I walked in the class the first people is saw were four guys which I have never seen before so they must  be new. Next thing I knew Carol and Rebecca came in the class. Rebecca Jones was always quiet but she can put up a good conversation. She had a good vibe and style, today I never thought she would cut her red curly hair and its up to her shoulders, and she had a black sleeved shirt, grey skinny jeans, a plaid jacket around her waste, and the original black Nikes. She did not look like her shy self as she use too but I did love the new look.

I looked at Carol and Rebecca and I hugged both of them. "yes we got the same class" Carol continued "and with some cute boys, this is going to be a great year". I looked back at the four guys i saw and they all looked at me and gave me a weird look then smiled. "those four are brothers" Rebecca said. "really" Carol and I questioned together. Rebecca nodded. the bell rang to get into class and of course the teacher said its going to be a good year and how much fun we were going to have but its just to play with all of us. Then I found out that the four guys name's were Noah, Locus, Dylan, and Blake, the Presscot brothers. Locus had Brown short hair, green eyes, and jawline. Dylan he had deep blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and jawline. Blake had dark black hair, jawline, and hazel eyes. And finally Noah dirty blonde hair, jawline, and green eyes mixed with blue. They all were well built and so god damn cute.

The day went by fast my second class I had Jenna, which I was screwed, Marcus her boyfriend, Rebecca, and Ryan and that's good, and that one kid Blake Presscot. Third class Dylan, Noah Presscot, Evelyn, Carry Smith, and Joseph. Fourth class all of the Presscot brothers again and Ryan. Fifth, Julie, Marcus, and Jose. Fifth and Sixth class no one but Noah, and Seventh Julie and Jenna so again I'm screwed.

when I was walking back home I heard noises but I thought they were just cars passing by or trees moving so I just ignored it but then something or someone was calling my name and it gave me the shivers. I got a bit scared and started to jog then I here it going louder and whatever was calling my name wouldn't stop and It was time for me to run as fast as I could. My house was so close I could not stop now. I look back and nothing was there but the noises, screams, cracks, name calling it would not end but even if I didn't see anyone it felt like someone was chasing me and it all stopped when I got to the front porch, opening the door and got inside. I was out of breath and I collapsed to the floor.

My mom was running down stairs and saw on the ground out of breath. "sweetie are you okay! come on look at me, look at me, look. at. me" my mom said trying to calm me down. I looked up at her and starting to breath slowly. "everything is okay, I'm here, your fine" she continued as I put my head on her right shoulder hugging her and she was hugging me "your going to be okay".

{I hope this was a good story so far chapter 2 is going to be out tomorrow}

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