Chapter 20

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'So they talked about it...and he came in there and sat down'

MS: Kalie girl...

'is just gave him an attitude look'

MS: Listen Kalie. You will not keep acting like this.

Acting like what?! I thought I was in freaken trouble for no reason, didn't get too pee like I needed, and got put in the freaken hall and you expect me to be happy about it?!

MS: You yell at me one more time Kalie Goode and I will, I promise I will suspend you!

I'm sure you will.

MS: You wanna test me?


MS: Good. now Kalie I don't know what is with me today but you better not let it happen again.

oh is the wittle principal upset about my awttitude.

MS: Suspension Kalie Suspension.


MS: Kalie you have gone way too far this time. go to your mom's room.

'So I went down there...'

Mom: How'd it go?

well I'm...

'intercom came on'

MS: Mrs.Goode I need to see you for a moment.

Mom: Oh boy. Kalie...

'she went down there and I heard her marching back down the hall, grabbed my arm, slammed the door'



Mom: Now is not the time I would be saying yeah young lady!!!


Mom: You went way too far. oh wait till your dad hears about this...oh sis...lord help you.


Mom: Don't mommy me. You're 13, with an attitude of a 6 year old. I'm sick of your attitude, so is your dad, and so is Mr.Speir. Completely sick of it.

I know.

Mom: You better be praying that your dad is in a good mood, because I'm not helping you out with whatever punishment you get from him. You had no right to be so disrespectful to Mr.Speir young lady!

I know mommy. I'm sorry.

Mom: Go to the office. have a talk with mr.Speir and no attitude this time, or ill be down there to whoop your butt. got it?


'So I walked down there and walked to his office'

MS: Sit down Kalie.

yes sir.

MS: I will give you a chance to redeem yourself...

Mr.Speir....sir....I'm sorry. I know I have a really bad attitude and I act up a lot but I feel really bad...but sir I'm really really sorry.

MS: Kalie....go sit in Mrs.Adams office.. I need too speak with your mother.

yes sir..

'So mom came down there'

Mom: Yes?

MS:  I'm not suspending her.

Mom: What

Mr.Speir: ther3s no point in it.. she'll come back the same..and she also apologizes and actually meant it.

Mom:so she's not suspended?

MS: No ma'am.

Mom: does she know that?

MS: not yet. why don't you go get her out of Mrs.Adams office for me.

so they get me out of her office...will she be happy about it, or will she get an attitude and actually get suspended?

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