Chapter 12

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'So he got a key and came in, picked me up, carried me down stairs, put me over his lap...gave me 20 fir how I behaved with him...'

Mom: KALIE what the heck is the matter with you?

you are. you both are. you both are what's the matter with mr.

Mom: Excuse me Kalie Marie? we're your problem!? Did you see how you behaved to me earlier?

And did you see you slap me in the face?

'I went to get up but sad grab me'

Mom: Kalie I've never seen you like this.

Dad: you slapped her?

Mom: Dang right I did. You should have heard how disrespectful she was being.

Dad: but you don't slap her for it.

Mom: Daniel. if she said to you what she said to me, you would've done the same thing.

Dad: Amy.

Dad don't be mad about it. it's fine. we don't need you two fighting while we're all fighting.

Mom: Kalie.

Mom I was... and...


Fine. won't try to help you anymore. ' walked to my room'

Dad: Amy!! she was trying to help!

Mom: I'm sick of how she acts towards us!

Dad: she w as going to tell you that she was helping us not fight. is that so bad?

Mom: Daniel.

Dad: You need to apologize.

Mom: me apologize?

Dad: no, jake. the one who doesn't exist.

Mom: I see where she gets her smart mouth from.

Dad: You need to apologize.

Mom: She better apologize back or I'm whooping her.

Dad: No your not bc Im whooping her later on. and she's not grounded for a year amy.
Mom: Yes she is.

Dad: No she's not. you're just overreacting.

Mom: Daniel.

Dad: Go apologize.

'she walked to my room'

Mom: Kalie... please open the door. I wanna talk.

No you'll whoop me.

Mom: No I won't unless you smart off. now open the door. I domt have anything in my hands I just want to talk.

Promise me? and if you break the promise, I will never trust you again.

'So I unlcked the door and she came in'

Mom: Kal...

mom if you came up here to lecture me. don't even bother.


just saying mom.

Mom: Quit.


Mom: Quit the whatever stuff Kalie Marie.

whatever mom. I swear you call me kalie marie more than you call me kalie.

Mom: Because you're always in trouble.


Mom: Kalie quit. look I came up here to apologize for hitting you. it was wrong and I over reacted in the wrong way even though you shouodnt have been so mouthy either.

it's okay momma. I know you didn't mean too. and I know my mouth is bad, and was bad earlier...and I know I'm getting spankins from daddy.

Mom: oh yes ma'am you are.


Mom: kal don't argue.


Mom: what did i say about that Kalie marie?!

whatever mom.

Mom: KALIE MARIE! quit. you mouth off again and I will pop your mouth. got it?


Mom: Kalie..

mom I'm not saying yes ma'am.

'So after dinner I went to my room then dad called my name'

wonder what Daniel is gonna do. is he just gonna talk to her, and if so will she get an attitude and get spanked or will he spank her when she goes to him...

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