Chapter 15

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MS: here it comes too. it's not so what, is why do you have it. it's not a good thing to're always in trouble for it Kalie.

MS: Kalie the point is, fix your attitude or I will suspend you.

you won't suspend me. I'm mrs.goodes daughter.

MS: That means nothing Kalie. Your dad may be a cop, and Your mom may work for me but if you don't behave and keep up this attitude then I will.

sure ya will.

MS: Wanna try me?

no sir.

MS: That's what I thought. You need to have more respect for your mom, she does a lot for you.

like what?

MS: Cooks meals, cleans the house, helps you with homework, encourages you, keep your grades decent except right now, she cares for you, she's easy on you a lot of times, and a lot of times when you should be in huge trouble all she does is yell your name...and there's so many more reasons, but need to respect her in the best way possible such as no arguing, talking back, interrupting, getting an attitude, have a smart mouth, mouthing off too her...and a few others.

I know sir.

MS: You need to treat her better.

I will.

MS: Promise me you'll atleast try to stay out of trouble..

I promise.

MS: Good. now you're gonna stay I here for the 10 minutes let of 1st hour.

yes sir.

'so I went to the class when the bell rang and in Mrs.O'Neals class...'

MO: Kalie do your work.

I amm!

MO: Don't talk back, just do it.

I wasn't.

MO: Kalie hush. keep on and you'll be in detention

'So I mocked her'

MO: Detention Kalie Goode.


MO: You wanna go for an office trip?


MO: Then I suggest you do your work with no further arguments


MO: Go in the hall Kalie. I'm sick of your attitude and behavior. what is with you today.

but Mrs.O'Neal!

MO: Go.


MO: Would you rather go talk with Mr.Speir?


MO: Then go in the hall.

so she has to go in the hall..will she be in trouble or will she not? will she be caught by Speir or will she get away with being in the hall?

this chapter is for those few who like the story and those who have commented asking for an update, I seriously love you guys.

Arguments and AttitudeWhere stories live. Discover now