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"What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine."

Abhimanyu Birla, heir to the prestigious Birla dynasty of Udaipur, is a captivating blend of refinement and approachability. His attire speaks of timeless elegance, with each tailored piece reflecting the rich heritage of his lineage. Yet, there's an unmistakable modern flair to his style, a subtle nod to his ability to seamlessly bridge the past with the present.

With every step, he exudes an aura of regal poise, his presence commanding attention without ever demanding it. But beyond the surface of aristocratic charm lies a genuine warmth that draws people to him effortlessly. His genuine smile, like a beacon of genuine kindness, lights up any room he enters, making everyone feel at ease in his company.

Abhimanyu Birla isn't just a man of royal blood; he's a living embodiment of grace and humility, a testament to the enduring allure of a noble spirit in a world often overshadowed by grandeur. Throughout his life, a sense of familiarity and love has always been missing.

As a child, he was constantly reminded to be disciplined and mature beyond his years, knowing he was the next in line for the throne in his family's dynasty. His personal desires and needs were never considered; they were simply imposed upon him as obligations. Now, as he approaches adulthood and prepares to succeed his father on the throne, the entire Birla family is eagerly involved in selecting a princess for him. Once again, he finds himself obligated to defer to his family's decision, with little opportunity to express his own preferences.

"Abhimanyu, I'm sure I don't have to remind you about your visit to Jaipur. Mr. Rathod and his family look forward to meeting you." Harshvardan Birla reminded his son of the long awaited arrangement between the Birlas and the Rathods. The soon to be in laws as well as the business partners.

"Yes, dad." Like an obedient son, he nodded his head and again got engulfed in finishing his breakfast.

"Make sure to spend time with Riya during your stay at Jaipur. It'd be good if you both got to know each other." Manjiri Birla advised, and Abhimanyu just passed a half smile at her, knowing well he had no other option but to agree.

"Bhai, I've heard Jaipur is quiet romantic with all the myths and fairytales attached to it. Who knows, you might fall in love there?" Neil teased his elder brother, earning a glare from all the elders on the dining table.

"What? Of course, with Riya bhabhi." Neil shrugged his shoulder while Abhimanyu just shook his head in disappointment at the mention of love. Love? Is it really possible for someone like him to fall in love with his own will and get accepted by his parents, too? Maybe like all the fairytales, love is also a myth.


As soon as Abhimanyu inhaled the scent of Jaipur, his heart couldn't help but believe whatever Neil said about this city. There was something truly unique and magical about this place, like he had been shifted into another dimension. A place where he could be himself freely. A place that was promising so much more to him, and these weird sensations were now getting overwhelming for him.

Could this city really make him fall in love with someone by his own will? Perhaps, with Riya, maybe? Shrugging his thoughts in the back of his mind, he entered the Rathod Palace where the whole family was present to receive him in a grand manner. He greeted Mr and Mrs. Rathod and all the other elders before his eyes fell on Riya Rathod -the youngest of the family. And for some reason, she felt like every other girl he had ever met. No sparks, no fireworks, no getting enchanted by her beauty, no first-time connection at all. This was all taught to him by the movies, but again, she just seemed ordinary.

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