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Hogwarts's library was fantastic. Countless shelves held thousands of books and floating tins carried writing utensils. There were cushioned chairs that moved— almost as if you had to catch them to have a seat— light fixtures shaped like boats, houses, and animals, board games with pieces that seemed to be alive, and sofas that growled.

Vivian took it all in as she weaved through the shelves, feeling like she were in a maze. Just like the rest of the castle, one could lose their way easily in there.

She hopped over a scurrying ottoman and stared as it turned a corner.

This was the most peculiar library she'd ever seen.

Now, where did Tom go?

The girl glanced around as she walked, scanning the faces of the several students who lounged and studied about.

The dark-haired boy was nowhere to be seen and it'd be no easy task finding him in the place.

Vivian moved to keep looking, but the ottoman came back and crawled at her feet at full speed.

She was too late to notice it and tripped, catching herself on a shelf.

Many books fell, producing a loud noise.

That earned the attention of many students, who either glared or snickered.

The girl smiled at them awkwardly and picked up the books, feeling that she'd forever hate that ottoman.

The ottoman hurried away, but she'd make sure to be wary of it from now on.

She began to walk through the shelves again, hoping that with each corner she turned the boy would be there.

He wasn't.

Vivian was getting closer and closer to the back of the library, which had taken her nearly ten minutes— that's how huge the chamber was.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind her.

"Did you succeed?"

She turned to face a boy with a crooked nose. She'd seen him sitting at the Slytherin table. He was one of Tom's friends.


His lips twitched in amusement as he gestured to her attire.

The girl laughed. "Oh, yes, I did."

The boy raised his brows. "Look at that, you just transferred here and already made a place for yourself. Admirable, really."

Vivian didn't think of it that way.

He stepped forward, holding out his hand for her to shake.

"I'm Henri Rosier." He said with a French accent.

Henri was the same height as the girl, and, also like her, he had untidy hair. His light eyes reminded her of Dumbledore's, for they too were sharp and penetrating.

She removed her glove and shook his hand, not bothering to introduce herself. She assumed he knew who she was.

And, she was right.

"So, Vivian, what position are you? My friends, Jiho Sol, and Liev Malfoy, made the Slytherin team today. One's a Chaser and the other's a Beater."

The girl nodded. "I'm a Seeker." She paused, "Like your friend, Tom."

Henri grinned. "Yes, he also made the team. I can't wait to see you two play at the first game."

That One October {T.M.R}Where stories live. Discover now