Chapter 1

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'What a freak!'

'I heard he's really a girl'

'What? You mean he's a transvestite?'

'I call bullshit! He's clearly a guy...'

'Eww, what if he touches us?'

'I wonder if he's bottom'

'What a freak... Freak... Freak...'

I'm not a freak, I'm just not normal. People here are so quick to judge. I'm a boy! At least, I'm pretty sure I'm a boy... I have a dick... That makes me a boy, right? Wrong! I'm a duo- gender. Sounds weird but it's true.
Pay attention, I'm only gonna explain this once. Externally I'm a guy, all my organs are linked to my dick so I'm literally a dude. I piss and jack off like any normal seventeen year old guy... But I'm not. I'm also a girl. I have a uterus, ovaries... The whole shebang. Not only do I have that, but its also accompanied by the PMS and cramping.

My whole life I knew something was wrong with me. I knew I was normal, I mean, I grew up like any normal boy. Until one day shortly after I turned thirteen I got hit with horrible pain in my stomach, (The kind you get when someone hits you in the balls with a metal mallet, yes, it happens).

Anyway, the pain hit like a metal mallet to my balls, but it was just about bearable. I managed to get through the night without much trouble but when I was shook awake at around three AM, with the pain hitting tenfold, I knew something was up. I pulled my covers back to get of my bed but froze in horror at the sight around me. Blood, just blood. It was horrible, and I could feel it, warm and gooey against my skin. Yeah, let's skip that.

So, long story short, my parents took me to the hospital where their first thought was my worst nightmare. Hernia, appendicitis... Cancer. All the thoughts were going through my head as I sat for what felt like hours, but the answer was so simple. Period. That's it. I had a period. I took it in my stride, didn't really know what to make of it and just shrugged it off, then it hit me. Period; Girl magically bleeding for a week but not dying. period.

Before you ask, it was coming out of my butt... Not nice at all, makes me feel sorry for girls.

Anyway, I went through the next few weeks as though nothing happened, until one day my school bag split open. Everything fell out. My books, my pens, my sanitary towels... Shit!

At that point it felt like my heart sank to my stomach, I couldn't bring myself to say it. I couldn't exactly just smile and go "hey guys... So... I'm a girl inside" because then that would make things worse. So, I kept silent and let the rumours form on their own accord. I didn't make any attempt to stop the rumours. I just let them grow into what you see right up there, at the top. Snide comments and sassy remarks which honestly don't bother me.

So yeah, back to the story.

My name is Byron Mason Jones and I'm seventeen. I moved to this town, hollowton, when I was sixteen. In all honesty, the rumours did get to me. I'm not a freak, I'm just a little different. It wouldn't bother me... If I was straight. But, lord behold, I am gay. Like full on gay. In fact, I've never even looked at girls in any dirty minded manner. In reality, that just makes things worse. Since I'm gay, and I am the way I am, if I was to have sex with a guy then there's a huge change I could get pregnant. Only if I bottom that is... And when you ask a guy to use a condom when guys can't 'usually' get pregnant then they automatically think, "STI!" Seriously though, I'm clean, I swear.

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