Chapter 21: Hunters become the Hunted

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"You really think they would ever get rid of the Games?" I ask, wondering if it was possible.

Cato shrugs. "I wouldn't want something like this happening again."

I pause for a moment. "You don't think they could just make it worse...?"

"I don't think... I wouldn't... I mean, there's always the chance of kids like us getting thrown in there."

"So... The idea of little rebels is enough to stop them?" The idea amuses me.

Cato chuckles, and gives my hand a squeeze. "I sure hope so. Your brothers and my little sis would be free... Free of there stupid idea of fun."

I nod. "But... What's next, then? What will they do to continue to scare us from rebellion?"

"That, Angel, is a very good question."

I sigh, falling quiet. Apparently I must have this look on my face when I'm thinking and don't want to talk, because Cato seems to tell, and doesn't say a word.

I listen to the squirrels in the trees, and birds singing to each other. Noises I recall from hunting at home, and some that I learned while in the Games, surround us as we make our way through a heavily wooded area.

I hadn't been paying attention to the noises around me that well until now, but I instinctively slow as I hear an unfamiliar sound.

When Cato feels me slow and stop, he turns to look at me with a quizzical face, and I put my finger over my lips to signal for him not to speak.

I hear something in the trees around us... Something ungraceful, something that didn't belong there. I turn around, scanning the trees. The sound stopped for a moment. 

I turn around, confused. "Sorry... Just keep walking."

I grab his arm and tug him along. "Don't ask. I'm just crazy. That's all."

"Okay, Miss Crazy, what did you think you heard?" Cato questions me.

I search for the right words. "I'm not sure, honestly. I heard something... It didn't sound like it belonged out here."

Cato spins around, still walking. "I don't see anything..." 

I smile. "You also haven't spent that much time in the woods... Well... Not a lot, anyway."

He glances over at me. "How do you figure?"

I point to his feet. "You walk heavy. I walk light. But you are trying not to, as if someone tried to teach you how."

He shakes his head. "I give up. You know all."

I laugh. "Not quite. I just pay attention."

"Maybe I should try that more often..." He trailed off.

"You don't seem too bad at it." I assure him.

"I've only ever tried with you," he reminds me.

I feel my face warm. "Well....."

Cato grins. "Problem, Angel?"

I roll my eyes. "Whatever..."

Not a second later I yank Cato to a stop beside me, and spin around, frantically scanning the area around me. I hear a soft thud, and a what sounds like a sharp intake of breath from in front of me, slightly to the left.

"Either come out, or run in the opposite direction." I call in the general direction of where the clamor came from.

Cato takes a few steps forward, taking a protective stance by my side, yet slightly in front of me. A few seconds pass, and nothing happens. He looks ready to say something along the lines of us going on, until the unmistakable sound of a person picking their way out of a thick group of brush and trees is heard.

My heart skips a few beats, as a male voice swears after tripping over something. Cato's hand instinctively grasps his sword hilt, preparing to draw it. 

 The man steps out into the open, a bit behind us. His hands are raised, and it isn't until my eyes meet his grey-blue ones that I realize who it is, and feel stupid for not seeing it sooner.

"Ryder?" I question, knowing full well it's him.

"You caught me..." He mutters with a straight face, eyeing Cato's hand on his sword. I elbow him, and as his head snaps towards me I motion towards his hand. He drops it, but it twitches by his side.

"What are you doing?" I ask Ryder.

He lowers his hands slowly, looking to Cato. "I'm not here to hurt you, man, don't kill me or something..." he turns his attention to me. "I'm sort of... Following you, I guess."

Cato flexes his hand, and I roll my eyes. "Why?"

He looks as if it caused him pain to talk. "If you want honesty... I didn't think I could make it on my own. I'm not good with this stuff..." He trails off.

I give a humorless laugh. "You made it through the Games, and I don't remember seeing you once. How could you think that?"

He looks annoyed. "I only had to make it for so long in there... Who the hell knows how long I'd have to survive out here?"

Cato's hand in my peripheral vision starts to get on my nerves, and I slap is arm. "Dude! Chill yourself! He isn't lying." I knew it was true as I said it, as a guy like Ryder isn't one to admit he needs help.

His eyes widen, and his hand grows still. I look back at Ryder.

"Why were you hiding?" 

"Didn't think I'd be wanted company." He looks pointedly at Cato.

My head snaps up the the faintest sound of a barking dog. "Shh! Listen..."

Ryder and Cato strain to hear what I do, and both their eyes widen, then narrow.

"Don't know about you guys, but I'm not wanting to stick around here any longer." I mention. 

Cato finally speaks up. "I don't care what you do, Ryder, but if you want to stick around, you better be ready to run."

He grabs my arm, yanking me in the other direction as we break into a run. I glance behind me to see Ryder quickly following suit.

I can't live like this much longer, I think to myself. The Capitol made me start playing their Game, but I am determined to end it.

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