part one, chapter one, page five

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a/n: Julia is the mother of Stormy, Samu, and Marianna.

At home, Samu quickly walked to the door. Marianna and Stormy looked at each other with confusion.

"Is he okay?" Stormy asked.

"I don't know." Marianna replied back in Spanish.

Samu quickly opened the front door and stormed up to the bathroom.

"Hey mom." Marianna said.

"Hey guys." said Julia (mother). "Marianna,"

"Yeah?" Marianna replied.

Julia pointed upstairs. "Is Samu okay?"

Marianna shrugged her shoulders. "Couldn't tell ya." She walked into the kitchen to do some homework. Stormy put his bag down on the couch and pulled out his notes from biology class. On the notes was Jack's phone number written very neatly. Jack has really good handwriting.

"How was school?" Julia asked Stormy.

"Good." He replied while typing in Jack's number.

"Oh, Stormy,"


"Sometime tomorrow afternoon, can you by chance go to the farmer's market and pick up some watermelon? I need it to make the rest of my fruit salad."

Stormy looked up at her with wide eyes. "You mean the one ran by Dirke's mom?"

"Yeah. The only farmer's market on this side of town."

"No, fuck that. I am not going to get hate-crimed by a 45-year-old woman."

Julia rolled her eyes. "Boy, she's not gonna hate-crime you!"

"Mom, she thinks I'm Mexican! She hates Mexicans!"

"Well, you're not, you're Spanish."

"I know, but-"

"You're going to the market! I am not going to argue with you!"

Stormy slammed his pencil down on the table, "I am not going! I don't want to get-"

"DON'T tell me what you are going to do! You WILL go tomorrow and that is final!"

"Oh my God, fine!" Stormy shouted.

"Why the hell are you making a fruit salad anyway?"

"Your Aunt and Uncle and their family is coming up from Florida and I would appreciate it if you and your siblings would respect them and not have a repeat of last year."

"Well, maybe if Uncle Chuck wouldn't talk shit about me-"

"Do your schoolwork, Cielo!" Julia shouted. Stormy knew that is his mom calls him by his real name, he was gonna get hit. He continued his project. He hates his mom's side of the family.

In the bathroom, Samu felt sick to his stomach. His heart racing like a bullet train, his palms sweaty. He doesn't want his mom finding out about him and Layla. Clenching his stomach, he was trying his hardest not to throw up. His breathing got harder and harder as he began to gag. Giving up, he began to vomit into the toilet. After vomiting, he sat down next to the bathtub, heaving. The taste of vomit invaded his mouth as he began to tear up. Getting up, he slowly walked up to the mirror. He stared at himself in the mirror, looking at his blue eyes, he felt disgusted. He's only 17, way too young to bear children. While he was baking in his shame, there was a sudden knock at the door.

"Samu, you've been in there for like 20 minutes! Hurry up, I need to change my tampon!" Marianna shouted.

"I'm coming!" Samu replied. He rushed over to the toilet and flushed his vomit down.

He opened the door. Marianna stood at the other end of the door with a tampon in her hand. She looked up to him with a look of concern.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

Samu scratched his head. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Marianna smacked her lips. She then gave him an impatient look. "Boy, I know there is something wrong with you. You would normally act like an asshole if I asked you if you were okay!"

Samu rolled his eyes, "I'm fine, Mari, now get out of my way so I can go to my room!"

He nudged Marianna to the side as he stomped to his room. Marianna gave him a dirty look. She nodded her head as she went into the bathroom to change her tampon. God, does she hate menstruation.

Stormy was focused on the project. He's really good at class projects. Especially ones with partners. He feels like he has all the authority considering he was Sophomore class president and is running for Junior this year. He's just good at leading people. While he was writing an outline for the project, he got a text on his phone. It was from Jack.

The text read, "hey stormy, this is jack from ur bio class, have u started on the outline? bc idk what to do lol."

Stormy replied "yeah, i'm working on the outline. for now, just get the resources ready and i will send u the outline."

"cool. got u." Jack replied back.

Jack then sent him a photo of him holding a thumb up and smiling in a comedic way. Stormy chuckled. He thought the picture was adorable, cringey, but adorable. Stormy then got to working on the outline of the project.

Meanwhile, Jack was gathering all the resources for the project. While he was working, his dad came into his plant-decorated room. He had a plate which had a teacup and a salmon lox tea sandwich.

a/n: a tea sandwich is a British thing lol. Google it.

"I made you some tea and a sandwich. ThoughtI'dbring it up to you." His father said in his deep, British accent. He handed Jack the plate.

"Thanks." Jack replied.

As Jack placed the plate on his desk, he continued research. As he was researching, his dad looked at Jack's phone. He noticed the conversation him and Stormy were having about the project.

He pointed at Jack's phone, "Who's that?" he asked.

Jack looked up at his dad who was pointing at his phone. He then looked down at his phone with the conversation with Stormy. "Oh, that's a classmate, we're partners for a project. He's actually really nice. He stopped me from being bullied today."

"Bullied?" His dad gave a concerned look. "What do you mean? Are you being bullied again?"

"I mean, yeah, but it's fine though. It doesn't bother me much." Jack said as he was scrolling on his computer.

"Jack, if you're being bullied, let me and your mother know, because I hate it when you get bullied! We can go to the principal's office tomorrow and we can figure stuff out-" Jack cut his dad off.

"Dad, it's fine! I'm okay! I'm not depressed; besides, I have a friend and he's pretty cool. I get that you and mom are worried about me, but don't be! I'm just gonna let them be miserable. That's all they are."

Jack's dad looked down at him. "Right," he said quietly.

"I'm 16 now, I'm not a kid." Jack said.

"Okay, well, if you ever need help, please say something alright?"

"Yeah." Jack paused. "Sure."

Jack's dad patted him on the back as he walked out of his room. Jack put his pencil down and took a bite out of the tea sandwich. He did give it thought, though. He is exhausted from all the bullying. He thought about Stormy and how safe he felt around him. He then picked up his phone and stared at the conversation they had. He smiled.

"A new friend," Jack thought. "Finally."

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