L - O - V - E

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Author's note: It's with both sadness and relief I write this: But this will be the last part of this Klaine fic! Both me and Ruby have really enjoyed writing it, but there's a time and place you know? We got bored and felt like there was no storyline anymore so here's the ending! :) Hope you've enjoyed reading it! (I don't own the characters used or Glee, and I also don't own the lyrics used, Travie McCoy - We'll Be Alright) Love you all for writing and commenting!

The light was incredibly bright and Blaine sighed. They were all seated in the waiting room at the closest hospital, waiting for a doctor to come out and tell them how Finn was doing. He was alive, they knew that much. He’d suffered a big blow to the head and the doctor’s first thought was that he’d had a slight concussion. Nothing major. It was a relief, but still. Blaine was worried. He thought back to what had happened just after Finn had fallen to the ground.

“FINN!” Rachel screamed.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Kitty shouted, jumping off the couch to run at Adam but was stopped by Ryder. Santana, who wouldn’t let anyone stop her, slowly strolled up to Adam.

“Listen up, Beanie boy. You are an idiot and no one really likes you. You are the leader of a worthless and ridiculous choir that no one cares about. You wear beanies inside, which is absolutely idiotic. You have an annoying accent and you hit people for no reason. And now, you thought it was a good idea to club my friend to the ground with a glass vase? What the hell is wrong with you? Were you abducted by aliens as a kid or something? If you don’t get your ass out of my apartment quickly, I swear to God, I will go all Lima Heights on you and trust me, you do NOT want that to happen”

She glared at Adam and Sam, who was standing next to Santana, said, “She’s right. You better get out quickly, no one know what she’s capable of. She’s a bit loca.” Santana rolled her eyes at Sam and he smiled at her, obviously pleased of having used the one word he learnt in Spanish class.

“I… I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt him”

“What the hell did you think would happen, that the vase would miraculously become a fluffy pillow that wouldn’t hurt his head?” Kitty said, glaring at Adam, while trying to get out of Ryder’s firm hold.

“Kitty.” Ryder said sternly, glaring at her.

“I don’t know!” Adam shouted. “I didn’t think I just… acted. Oh God, I didn’t mean to grab the vase, it just happened.”

“That’s not an excuse. And as I can see, you’re still here. I told you to get out, didn’t I? Don’t you understand my accent because I’m not talking like a queen from the 40’s?” Santana said, glaring at Adam. Adam just sighed, looking confused.

“I just… I’m sorry.”

Blaine looked at Rachel, who was sitting on the floor next to Finn, crying. No one seemed to care about her, everyone seemed to be hell-bent on getting Adam out of the apartment. Blaine sat down on the floor next to Rachel and put his arms around Rachel. She hugged him back and cried into his sweater. Blaine looked at Kurt, who was standing as if he was frozen – staring at the floor. It was as if he didn’t believe what was going on. Blaine was still holding Rachel, as if she was his child and he had to take care of her.

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