Chapter 6

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June 23, 2025, 1:30 PM

London, Arkansas: location, Arkansas Nuclear One.

Chaos erupted in Arkansas, with people running, children screaming, and buildings burning. Arkansas was under attack, and Military forces seemed useless. A giant monster trashing the state trying to get to one thing. 

Dagon:  Stop shooting me! Your bullets do nothing to me! Leave me alone!

Dagon continued walking toward the nuclear reactor. Small arms fire bouncing off of him, tank and artillery shells exploding on impact. While Dagon was wreaking havoc in Arkansas, Ella was in another secret Apex location looking through a TV with a look of displeasure.

Jeff: Judging by the look on your face, you didn't tell him to do this.

Ella: I didn't....

Micheal: Any idea why he's doing this?

???: Well, his radiation levels were low when he first awoken. So, he probably trying to get his energy back.

Willow: But attacking a nuclear power plant in broad daylight like this?

Jeff: He could attack this place in the middle of the night and the whole world would see it.

Micheal: So, do you want us to do damage control about this or....? 

Ella: No. I'll deal with it later. 

Willow: I already know Monarch is going to be all over this.

Jeff: Facts.

Ella turned off the TV and turned to face the others. She took a deep breath to calm herself. 

Ella: How about we focus on the matter as to why we came here shall we?

???: Yes ma'am. The other project is showing good signs, she has been a bit hostile towards staff and other times she seemed kind of scared.

Ella: Can I see her?

???: Not right now ma'am.

Ella: Why not?

???: She's is still undergoing testing.

Ella: When will she be done with testing?

???: 2-weeks ma'am.

Ella: 2 weeks? ...Alright.

Willow: What about the last project?

???: No new information yet.

Jeff: I'm surprised Godzilla hasn't showed up yet to see what's going on.

Ella: He knows. He's just not doing anything.

Willow: Why not?

Micheal: He's resting himself. He's still sleeping of the energy from the nuke Monarch fed him.

Willow: What about Mothra and Kong? Don't they usually take over for him when he's not able to do his job?

???: Mothra is still in China and Kong is back in the Hollow Earth.

Willow: So, he just able to do this a nobody's going to do anything?

Jeff: The other titans aren't going to do anything because Godzilla told them to go back to hibernating.

Ella picked up a I-pad with Dagon's radiation levels on it. She looked over it and saw his radiation has increased about 30%.

Ella: How much radiation can Dagon handle?

???: Enough to almost power up all of North and Central America.

Ella: What happens if he reaches maximum radiation?

???: ...Meltdown.

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