Chapter 3

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May 17, 2025, 11:00 AM.

Monarch Base: Galveston, Texas.

A girl was walking down a hallway, a binder in her hands. Her high heels clicking on the floor echoed through the building. She stopped in front of a door with a sign next to the door that said meeting room. She took a deep breath brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. She reached her hand out and grabbed the doorknob. She took one last deep breath before opening the door and walking in. When she walked in there were 5 other people in the room.

???: Kayla, you are late... again.

Kayla: I'm so sorry Mr. Russell. I overslept, and- 

Mark Russell: I don't want to hear your excuses. This is the 4th time you've been late this month. I told you what would happen the next time you were late.

???: Oh, put a cork in Russell. Leave the poor girl alone.

Russell: Jessica, stop trying to protect her. She needs to learn the consequences of her actions.

Jessica: Must I remind you that Kayla falls under my authority and not yours. So, unless you want to go around my authority, Kayla is fine.

Kayla: Thank you, ma'am...

Jessica: No problem sugar, out of everyone under my authority you're my favorite.

Russell: Can we start this meeting already?

Jessica: Yes, Mr. Grumpy pants. Let's get started.

???: Now, I'm sure you all know why your here.

???: The "new" owner of Apex making threats to the rest of the world? Or the sudden appearance of another Godzilla?

???: If I was a betting man, I would say both.

Russell: Now is not the time for jokes Carson. This is serious.

???: Kayla, will you do the honors?

Kayla: Yes sir.

Kayla opened up the binder in her hand and pulled out a file. She set the file down on the table, then set two more files down on the table.

Kayla: Ella Blade. The new CEO of Apex, her family had ties with Monarch and Apex during the whole near world ending fight between King Ghidorah and Godzilla. Once the whole thing ended her whole family went dark. No new information on her family for since 2019, as for Ella, just about the same.

Carson: Who are the other two?

Kayla: Micheal and Jeff, no last name known. Ella personal guards, they allegedly are childhood friends. They can also be considered her right- and left-hand men, 7 days ago there were suspected sightings of Apex vehicle's driving through the desert to an unknown location.

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