fighting then something unexpected

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"I'm saying that you should be with me," Hobie repeated, his voice low and dangerous. His hands slipped down Miles' arms, his fingers brushing lightly against the fabric of Miles' suit.

"I don't understand," he finally managed to say, his voice low and intense. "I don't understand. You're a villain, Hobie. You're the enemy."

Hobie laughed, a cold and dismissive sound. "The enemy," he repeated, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Yes, I am the enemy. And yet, I'm here. I'm here trying to tell you that I want to be your friend. That I want something more."

"I-I don't understand," Miles stuttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hobie laughed, and it was a harsh, dismissive sound. "Of course you don't," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You're too busy running around as Spider-Man to notice anything going on around you."

Miles felt himself stepping back again, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew Hobie was right, knew that he shouldn't let himself get distracted. But no matter how hard he tried to push the feelings down, they kept bubbling up inside of him. He felt like he was on the cusp of something new, something that he didn't quite understand, and it was both exciting and terrifying in equal measure.

Hobie took a step closer again, his eyes narrowed, his hands resting on Miles' arms. "You don't see it, do you?" he said, his voice low and dangerous. "You don't see the way I look at you. The way I feel about you. You're too caught up in being Spider-Man to notice anything else."

Hobie's eyes narrowed, his teeth baring in a snarl as he readied his claws. Miles could see the excitement in his eyes, the desire for battle.

"Do you want to fight, Hobie?" Miles asked, his voice low and intense.

Hobie laughed, a cold and harsh sound. "Of course I do, Spider-Man," he said, his voice ringing with sarcasm. "What else do you think we've been doing this whole time?"

Miles felt himself stepping back again, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew Hobie was right, knew that they were enemies. But no matter how hard he tried to push the feelings down, they kept bubbling up inside of him. He felt like he was on the cusp of something new, something that he didn't quite understand, and it was both exciting and terrifying in equal measure.

Hobie took a step closer again, his eyes narrowed, his teeth baring in a snarl as he readied his claws. "You may be Spider-Man, Miles," he said, his voice dripping with contempt. "But I am the Prowler. And I will take you down."

Hobie lunged at Miles, his claws extended as he tried to grab him. Miles felt the rush of adrenaline rush through him as he dodged out of the way, his heart pounding in his chest.

The two of them fought with brutal efficiency, each of them trying to get the upper hand. Hobie was faster than Miles had thought possible, his claws ripping through the air as he tried to tear Miles apart. Miles felt every blow, every scratch, every cut. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't focus. He couldn't focus on the battle, on the fight.

All he could focus on was Hobie's face, his eyes locked on Miles'. He felt like he was caught in a web of emotions, emotions that were threatening to pull him under. He felt like he was on the cusp of something new, something that he didn't quite understand, and it was both exciting and terrifying in equal measure.

Hobie lunged at Miles again, his claws extended as he tried to cut him down. Miles felt himself stepping back again, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew Hobie was right, knew that they were enemies. But no matter how hard he tried to push the feelings down, they kept bubbling up inside of him. He felt like he was on the cusp of something new, something that he didn't quite understand, and it was both exciting and terrifying in equal measure.

Hobie took another step closer, his eyes narrowed, his teeth baring in a snarl as he readied his claws. "You may be Spider-Man, Miles," he said, his voice dripping with contempt. "But I am the Prowler. And I will take you down."

Miles felt himself stepping back again, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew Hobie was right, knew that they were enemies. But no matter how hard he tried to push the feelings down, they kept bubbling up inside of him. He felt like he was on the cusp of something new, something that he didn't quite understand, and it was both exciting and terrifying in equal measure.

Hobie took one last step closer, his eyes narrowed, his teeth baring in a snarl as he readied his claws. "You may be Spider-Man, Miles," he said, his voice dripping with contempt. "But I am the Prowler. And I will take"

Hobie avoids all miles attacks and slams miles into the ground, he pins miles down and takes a look at miles face
A smile spreads over Hobie’s face as he pins miles down. He runs his hand through his hair as his mouth is pressed against miles lips. Their lips are locked together, there’s no escape

Hobie was too strong, he continued pushing miles back down onto the ground and miles lips closer to his, his smile grew wider until he began to slide down miles body to his neck. His hands went from miles hair to his arms, he was no longer kissing miles lips, he was kissing and biting miles neck, he was marking miles

"Wait don't mark me" miles begged
Hobie pauses and looks into miles eyes. His breathing was heavy and his lip were slightly bloody from the marks he had made on miles neck. “Oh, but why shouldn’t I?~” He says as he bites down harder on miles neck He was looking at miles, he looks at miles with a face that says ‘You are mine now’*
Hobie leaned in closer, his lips pressing against Miles' ear as he whispered, "You are mine, Spider-Man. Mine and mine alone."  Hobie's teeth sunk into Miles' skin, biting and tearing as he claimed him as his own. Miles was powerless to stop him, his body shaking with fear and excitement.  Hobie didn't care if he was hurt, he didn't care if he was taken down, he only cared about claiming Miles as his own. He would stop at nothing to make Miles his, to make Miles understand that he was the only one for Hobie. Miles was his, and no one else could have him.
Miles felt his heart pounding in his chest, his body shaking as Hobie continued to claim him. He felt like he was on the cusp of something new, something that he didn't quite understand, and it was both exciting and terrifying in equal measure.

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