I (Book 1: 2 New Engines)

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Didcot Railway Centre, United Kingdom

July 4, 2025

0900 hours

It was early morning in Didcot Railway Centre, the home of many old GWR Locomotives who have been successfully saved from scrap. Multiple nightshift workmen were still running around the cavernous workspace towards a single, closed off shed with the occasional glow of a blowtorch illuminating the shape of an engine slowly taking shape. Just outside of this shed, a pair of engines were being polished as they built up steam for their morning runs.

Both were members of the GWR 6000 class, better known as the GWR Kings. The first King Edward I was painted in Brunswick Green and sported the number 6024 on his cab sides and a nameplate curving on top of his middle wheel splasher, King Edward I was a kind engine, one who the other, much younger engines, looked up to as a father figure. The second King Edward II was painted in BR Blue, sporting the number 6023 on his cab sides and his name plate in the same place as his brother, unlike his brother King Edward II was seen as the bossy asshole that everyone tries to avoid. One of the workers soon found his way out of the shed.

King Edward I: "How goes the progress?" he asked, kindly.

Workman 1: "Well, he or she is ready for his first firing." he replied, tiredly, "Why did we have to build a new modified Castle Class again? We already have 8 of the normal ones."

King Edward II: "The foreman has been muttering something about the NorthWestern Railway in the same sentences as this new Hall but that is all we know." he shrugged...to the best of his ability.

Workmen 1: "Well, let's get this thing over with, open the shed!" he yelled.

The closed off shed's curtains slowly folded up, revealing a single engine within. It was slightly smaller than the pair of Kings, had no paint on its main body or its boiler but had some paint lining its running board, buffer beam, wheels, and its smoke box. It also had no name at that moment but it did have a number painted in white in between its coupling hook and its left buffer '7038'.

The pair of express engines rolled over to the track in front of the new engine as a crew walked onto its footplate having filled the engine's tender and boiler with water earlier. The fireman shovelled a bit of coal into the new engine's firebox to give the fire a lot of fuel to start off with before lighting a rag and tossing it in, with a small 'POOF!' a massive, roaring fire erupted and began boiling the water in the boiler and creating some steam. On the front of the engine, a shower of golden dust slowly rained down on the smokebox door as a face formed. The face seemed masculine and when the eyes opened they revealed a pair of light brown orbs.

???: "U-um...hello..." he stammered, nervously.

Foreman: "Jolly good work everyone! We have ourselves a boy!" he called from his office, "Why did no one call me?"

The young engine who had yet to even be given a name winced backwards at the Foreman's loud greeting.

Workmen 3: "We tried to foreman but we were held up by a last minute adjustment to the springs." he replied.

Foreman: "Well, no matter," he said, making his way down the stairs and to the area of track right in front of the new engine, "hello there young one, I'm sure you're quite confused."

???: "U-um...yes sir, I am sir..." he replied, shyly.

Foreman: "That is quite natural for all young irons, don't worry." he chuckled, "I am called the Foreman around here, I was in charge of making you, do you know your name?"

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