You go girl 👍 (chapter 12?)

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Once I got downstairs I asked " were can I hide so then he can't find me?" They all pointed towards the bar. "Why do I have to do her fucking job?" Angel rolled his eyes. "Just fucking do it" said Angel. I hid behind the bar. Then came Lucifer while still chasing Nifty. "Have any of you guys seen Y/n?". They all looked at each other then said "no" nope" "not at all" "who is Y/n?" He didn't believe then at first but then felt for it. Makes sense that he felt for it. He wasn't always smart or good choice making as me. In fact the reason she was so hesitant was because of his twin bother. Micheal traumatized him. And that bitch has it coming. Also where is he? Meh who knows and who cares. "The coast is in the clear now get out of here" said Husk. I got up and flew around for a bit then I heard him form the other side of the hallway. I flew faster so then he couldn't see me. I went to the second floor and hid there for about 3 hours. During these hours I heard him walk by from where I was hiding. I got a bit tired of playing this game and was getting sleepy. Then there was a knock at the door. Everyone went downstairs. It was a moth like guy at the door. "Val!? W-what are you doing here?" Said Angel dust. "Well since your here I have decided that I want to get redeemed with you so that we can both go to heaven" his smile looked lustful. "Hello there you mind if I stay?" From behind Valentino was Angel signaling Charlie not to let him stay. "Uhm I do mind... sir". He frowned. "Well then I'll just stay here for about the next week after Angel is done working. But for today I'll stay here-" Charlie stopped him. "Sorry sir but the hotel is for actual people that want to be redeemed and not some Fuck face Whore who uses Angel as a Porn Star to make money. And as far as I know you don't deserve Heaven". Valentino was pissed at Charlie but since he couldn't hurt her he just stormed off. 

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