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"I'm now gonna ask you all to separate from your couples, into girls and boys," Maya instructed. The islanders quickly complied with her orders.

"Girls, you will decide on what boy to dump and send home immediately. Boys, you will do the same for the girls." Maya informed the group, "Molly and Tom, as you were voted the favourite couple, Molly you will have the deciding vote for which boy to dump and Tom, you will have the deciding vote for which girl to dump." 

The girls discussed which boy to send home, deciding on who has romantic connections with whom. Nellie only inputting when asked, not wanting to sway the votes too much.

Ultimately the islanders decided that the two islanders who would be going home were Tyler and Hannah.

"Han! I'm gonna miss you!" Nellie cried as she hugged the Scouse girl

"You've got too big of a bum to be crying over me!" Hannah lightened the mood

"I love you, Han," Nellie laughed

"I love you, Nell. And if you don't walk out with Cal, I'll be angry!" Hannah joked making Nellie laugh

She said goodbye to Tyler too, giving him a hug and wishing him luck on the outside.

Everyone bid the two goodbye. Emotions were beyond high, losing two couples in one night was terrible, and the vibes in the Villa had been brought down significantly. 

"Bit of a tough night aye? Well, this might help turn things around," Maya said, "I've got 4 new bombshells who are ready to find love. Please welcome them now,"

In came Casey from Series 9, Joanna from Series 5, Jack from Series 4, and Sophie from Series 6.

The islanders were shocked. 

"My family has a history of heart failure, and I think this night has brought it on me prematurely," Nellie said in the beach hut with her hand on her heart

Tom sprinted to hug Casey, whilst the other islanders greeted to newcomers. 

Nellie had known Casey from outside the Villa, but that was the extent of her relationships with the new bombshells. He had a big smirk as he came up to her and gave her a big hug.

"Nell Nell, long time no see!" he exclaimed

"Quite the comedian, you are," she teased as she moved on from him to acknowledge and welcome the others

The girls pulled Casey and Jack to the firepit whilst the boys took Jo and Sophie to the day beds.

"So, Georgia, how's your love triangle going?" Casey asked Georgia S

"What triangle?" she retorted

"Isn't it obvious? Was it not Tom and Callum?"

"Erm, I'm getting to know Callum, and I'm happy," she smiled awkwardly

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