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Kim Dojka PoV:

The fourth wall is shaking!!

The fourth wall is shaking!!

I know! Shut up!

The fourth wall is...

I think I've gotten the fourth wall angry. However I can always deal with that later. This is important. How the hell did they find out? They don't even know the whole story!

All they know is that...I killed my dad.

Their not supposed to know that! Also, I didn't do it! It was my mom..

Yes it was my mom.

Some time before, (3rd person POV)

The group, minus Kim Dojka, were taken into a reaction room. Normally when this happens, 2 things happen with it. They forget everything and, they see the whole truth so that the never blame the culprit. Even Kim Dojka himself has been through that, only knowing that they reacted to him and then they forgot. Also, the best thing Kim Dojka could think of just happened, him and Yuu Joonghyuk being happy and having a nice conversation...if things went well they could have reached even farther. So how, how did everything go so so wrong?


Ah hello, Yuu joonghyuk! Welcome to the reaction room! Good day to you to Kim Dojka's company! They all received greetings from the said person while Kim Dojka just sat there hoping they'll react to someone other than Kim Dojka for once. Soon the said person went to Kim Dojka but instead of Kim Dojka getting a "hi" or "how are you" he got a scowl and a whisper of " Yuu Junghyuk is mine. Even if I have to self insert my own oc."
They patted him on the back ti make it look like they were sharing some friendship of a sort, however those who knew what the person just said would know otherwise.

"Anyways! You guys will be reacting to one short of Kim Dojka!"

"And...the best part is, that you'll never forget."  Somehow those words scared Kim Dojka by a little bit, most of it taken away from the Fourth Wall.

"Let's get started!" The person said with a grin

Video loading....(1/1 - Kim Dojka)

Kim Dojka wasn't fast enough. He couldn't cover the screen in time. Now he didn't dare look his companions in the face.  A video of Kim Dojka killing his father. Kim Dojka killing his own father that he told Yoo Saangah that his mom did.

The fourth wall absorbed the mental shock!

Kim Dojka would have to say thank you to the fourth wall later. He didn't know what to the also. He just sat there waiting. Yoo Joonghyuk was the first to talk.

"Kim Dojka. Ar- Yo-."  It seemed that whatever he was going to say he couldn't. I guess the other took it as 'he's trying to say something bad!' Yet they all knew that they also wanted to know why he did it. Then that person who was looking at them started to get tired. They thought they would fight but look at them. So she had to add fuel to place then set it on fire.
"I guess you want to know why he killed his own dad right?"
Yoo Sangah was the first to reply, "Yes! I'm sure it couldn't have been for any bad reasons." Then Lie gileyoung also agreed.  They still believed in Kim Dojka but he felt that this person was going to ruin thei- no his life. " he killed his dad for fun! He got back from a bad school day and then just killed him to relieve anger!" Kim Dojka was going to refute, but he couldn't. He soon came to the realization that this was that person's domain. They had control, control to mute people, make people fly, and ruin people's lives. Dojka didn't like this, the only things he could here was "Dojka, is this true!?" And "The fourth wall has absorbed some of the mental shock!" Just then Dojka snapped out of it and looked at the person, they knew what they were doing.

Just because we finally got close? I knew there were no gods but.. Kim Dojka thought to himself. No paper, no sand, nothing to write on except the wall. the next second he ripped off his skin bleeding. He took some of the blood and wrote.

That's Not True!  However, how did he fail to forget. This isn't a public domain, it was theirs. The words scrambled around to make t
That's true.. ',n,'

The fourth wall is shaking!
The fourth wall is shaking!
The fourth wall...
The fourth wall...
The fourth wall...
The fourth wall...needs to take a break.
The fourth wall is off!

It all hit Dojka like a board. The mental shock, the anger, the sadness, the panic.

No! No! NO! please no...

Dojka kept trying to talk through his closed mouth.

"It wasn't me! Their lying! I didn't do anything!" His eyes looked at the person's. They were trying to contain their laughter at the shit they just did...and so, Kim Dojka was engulfed in rage. He attack the person, they started bleeding while smiling. They didn't do anything to ruin it. He only knew what they were doing when it was to late...

"Stop it!" They were pulling his arms away from the person. Their eyes looking as if they got an answer. A answer that was wrong.  Kim dojka tried to calm down, he wanted to fix it but couldn't. He looked around, Yoo Joonghyuk. He wasn't doing anything. Maybe he could understand. Then Kim Dojka remembered the Midday Trust.

Kim Dojka:
Yoo Joonghyuk!
That person is lying! You got to believe me.

Yoo Joonghyuk:
I believe-
[This person has deleted their comment]
I don't believe you.


"Anyways bye!!"

and just like that we were teleported out.

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