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"You can't just throw me out like that!!" I yelled and banged the door again. When he didn't answer I banged the door once again. After a while my hands were red, a mix of blood and the cold. I spat on the door and walked away. I only walked a few houses down and went into my friend's house.

"Again? You can't be serious" she said when she saw me. I didn't even answer and immediately went to take some alcohol. I took a shot of tequila, the burning of my throat was nice. I took another, then another, and after that, I took another. I would've kept going if my friend's hand hadn't stopped me. It was so warm compared to mine.

"What happened this time?" I knew she wanted to talk about it but I didn't. I plopped myself down on the soft couch and let her clean up my wounds. It burned as she put the sanitizer on, not like the tequila burned, not in a good way. She began going off telling me that I should leave him and that I could do so much better. Her voice had always been kinda annoying but her talking to me like she knew better than me made it even more annoying.

"This was the last time, I swear" I tried my best to say it as calmly as possible, which was hard but I managed.

"You know it's not, you guys are so toxic; you fight then fuck and then you guys are back together, it's a never-ending cycle." I stayed quiet, we weren't toxic, this was just love.

When she noticed I wasn't gonna say anything she switched the topic and said some of our friends came over later, honestly I just wanted to drown myself in Alcohol rather than talk with any of them but it wasn't like I had a choice.


It was like my 7th drink of the evening. The sweet sensation of burning down my throat every time I took a sip was slowly vanishing. I was drunk, sure, but I could still hear my thoughts and his yelling.

"It happened again, huh?" Nick, one of Alex's friends, sat beside me. I loved Nick, he was the sweetest, but I wanted to hang him for just mentioning it. He put a hand on my lap, it wasn't weird it was just how he comforted people.

"He threw me out of the fucking house" I put the shot glass back on the wooden table. He probably noticed that I was mad so he turned my bar stool to look at him. I looked at him, I didn't want to, but ai knew he would try until he got my attention. After the bartender had filled up my shot I downed it and looked at Nick.

"He's sorry, this time he is" To hell he is. All my friends and all his friends had always said that he was sorry when he never was. Last time it was Matt, before that it was Maria, and before that it was Miles. They all say it with the same sweet tone, I was sick of it, sick of them thinking they knew my relationship better than me. I didn't wanna hear it, I went outside, and the cold breeze hit my uncovered legs, but I didn't care, nothing was better than in there.

I instantly began looking for my cigarettes, in my jacket, in my skirt, even in my bra, but there was no square bump anywhere. I threw my jacket to the ground in frustration, it landed in a puddle, and the dirty water splashed up on my legs. Everything was just against me today, I couldn't take it anymore.

Suddenly an open pack of cigarettes appeared in front of me, a veiny hand with a ring on its pinky held it up. I knew whose hand that was, but I didn't care, I needed a cigarette so bad. I took a cigarette and put it between my lips, I lit it and the sweet feeling of smoke filled my lungs.

"That was your new jacket" The jacket was of fur, but I didn't even care that it was wet, I needed this smoke too badly. I looked over at him and he smirked.

"Did you change the locks?" He nodded and put his leather jacket around me. It was nice since it was quite cold and my jacket was wet. I also felt his muscular arm wrap around my shoulders.

Alex Turner Imagines (NSFW/FLUFF)Where stories live. Discover now