The Masters & The Student

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Hiroki was seen walking down the street with his head lowered. His eyes were dull and void of any form of emotion as his face was stained with tears. Remembering everything he had experienced all because of that bastard.

Hiroki: Why? Just why!? Why do this to me dammit!? What the hell did I ever do to deserve this!?

He made it to a tall bridge as he stood on the ledge looking down. 

Hiroki: At least you'll be happier without me in your damn lives...

He was about to take a step off until he heard a voice.

???: I wouldn't do that kid.

He flinched as he looked around seeing no one nearby. He was confused because he knew he heard a voice.

Hiroki: Am I finally going crazy?

???2: No you're not going crazy.

He heard another voice speak.

Hiroki: What the-! Where are you? Who are you?

???: Step away from the ledge and you'll get your answers.

Hiroki was a bit hesitant about it but he stepped down and away from the ledge as he saw a group of specters appear in front of him.

Hiroki was a bit hesitant about it but he stepped down and away from the ledge as he saw a group of specters appear in front of him

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Hiroki screamed in fright as he stepped back and fell.

Hiroki: Wh-Who are you!?

Spec: Well kid you can call me Spec.
The tallest member of the group spoke out.

Dorian: Dorian...
The bearded guy said.

Doyle: Names Hector Doyle.
The one who had short red hair said.

Sikorsky: The name is Sikorsky.
The blonde guy said in a thick accent.

Yanagi: Ryuukou Yanagi. Pleasure to meet you young man.
The shortest and possibly oldest of the group spoke.

Hiroki: Who are you guys? And why do you look like ghosts?

Spec: Well kid, basically our souls have been merged with yours. Meaning that we expired and came to your body.

Yanagi: Though unfortunately we don't know how but we do know why.

Hiroki: You do?

Sikorsky: Yeah, to help you kick that bastard's ass! And make those whores wish they never did what they did to you!

Hiroki: But how? I'm not strong, I'm not some superhuman who can lift up a truck with one arm. I'm

Doyle: Kid, we were a group of death row inmates. Some of us even cheated death and escaped our prisons. Only for one reason....

Dorian: To feel defeat...

Hiroki: But what does that have to do with me?

Dorian: Even though we were defeated, we didn't just give up, we rose back up, we changed, we evolved. That is why we're here to help you.

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