Hunter ⛅️

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Having a hypersensitive toddler was great sometimes. She'd whisper, "daddy," when Hunter was nearly home from whatever he'd been helping with. It always meant you had about a minute to put down your task so that you could welcome him after your daughter had flung herself into his arms.

It was also great on days where nothing went right and as you quietly admonished yourself she'd waddle over and wrap her little pudgy arms around your leg. Or when you left something in the oven and played with her outside, she could smell when it was about to burn or she'd hear the oven's timer.

Sometimes it resulted in situations like today. Every time you tried to put clothes on her she'd scream that it hurt. So, you'd try a different kind of fabric, with no luck. In the end, you had to let her run around the house the way she was born. Naked and screaming. The screaming was cause she'd forgotten appropriate volumes cause everything was just loud to her.

The overload of her senses made her go on a rampage of sorts and on days like today you just wanted to cry. You loved your daughter dearly, but you couldn't help but not like her when she'd just scream and kick and destroy. It was hard. It was so hard. You knew it was cause it was all too much for her to express in any other way and that just made you feel guilty for not liking her on these days.

Hunter had been working on some ideas, though the island was too cramped for most of what he thought would work. You loved your husband so much, but on a day like today you resented him a little. He'd given your daughter these issues and he couldn't even find a solution. You knew it was cause the solution when he was little was literal torture or being locked in a tube and that just made you feel guilty for that small bit of resentment on these days.

Today happened to be the time Hunter's solution would happen. You knew he'd been hiding something that he'd had someone bring to the island, but when he brought out a silk toddler-sized dress, it was a massive shock. Then he confirmed that it was Naboo silk. "How did you even get this?" You whispered in bewilderment. Whispering at home was something you were so used to at this point that your outbursts were always in quiet now. "An old contact heard I was looking out for something and wanted to give some thanks for a job we ran back in the war." A contact from the war that had given them something fit for a princess.... It seemed too good to be true. Then you remembered Tech's recordings. They'd all been on Naboo at some point in the war. "So you don't accept medals but you do accept childrens' clothing?" You tried not to burst out laughing, after all, you didn't want to set your daughter off when she'd just calmed down.

Hunter just smiled and shook his head at you. In theory, Hunter was terrifying. It was impossible to hide from someone who could hear your heartbeat and smell your fear, and running wasn't an option from someone with double the endurance of any human. Then there was the fact that he didn't even need a weapon to kill an armed soldier. In practice, Hunter was the softest man to ever exist.

He kissed your forehead, then knelt and kissed the air by your daughter's forehead. He murmured to her quietly while looking adoringly at her. You only picked up on a few words of it. "Just like mummy." You felt your heart do something strange and your airway felt a little tight as you held back tears. Seeing the way she perked up at those words too. Hunter looked back and up at you. It was what he'd said your whole pregnancy. He wanted you to give him a daughter that was just like you, and apart from his senses and thick, straight hair, she was just like you.

Hunter was then dragged away by your daughter to go play with 'quiet' (soft) toys, and his smile only grew. In that moment you were sure of two things. One, nobody had ever felt as much love as you and Hunter did for each other and your child. Two, you were going to get him to put another baby in you that month.

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