Chapter 6: The Perfect Proposal

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Chapter 6: The Perfect Proposal

A/N As I already stated, this was originally going to be part of the last chapter, but it started to get too long, so I decided to just put the proposal in a chapter of its own. I also was going to have this happen much soon than it is now, but then I checked out the canonical timeline and realized I was rushing things a bit. I didn't realize that I was a year off from James and Lily conceiving Harry. Anyway, this chapter takes place that first week of September as that is when James said he was going to propose.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or anything in this story that appears to come from anything Harry Potter related. The only thing that I own in this story is my OC, Jasmine, as well as the plot of this story.

Summary: Despite James's meticulous planning, he starts to doubt his plan. Will he press on with his proposal to Lily, or will his anxieties get the best of him?

~~~~~LINE BREAK~~~~~

James Potter stood in the living room of his and Lily's cottage and couldn't help but wonder where the time had gone. It was as if he blinked and suddenly the summer was gone, replaced by the crisp air of September. Those weeks he spent preparing for this moment had flown by quickly. And now he was just a day away from putting his plan into motion and going through with asking Lily to marry him. Thus, the reason for the nervous energy that was pulsing through him. James just hoped that he had prepared enough that tomorrow night would go off without a hitch.

As James thought about all the work he had done since he had finalized his plan, he couldn't help but remember that it hadn't all been as easy as he thought it would be, especially when it came to some aspects of his plan. There were parts of his plan that required some late nights spent over at Sirius and Jasmine's. Jasmine had been a real help to him as he was preparing now that he thought about it.

There was one night that stood out in James's mind – the first night he had gone over to Jasmine and Sirius's to ask for help. There had been a part of his plan that required Jasmine's help and he had no idea where to start.


It was already mid-August and James had finally figured out what spells he had needed to use to set up for part of his proposal plan. He was extremely grateful for his friends' help in finding the spells. With all of them working on it, they had found the right spells quite easily. As soon as he knew what spells to use, James had set to work on practicing them when Lily wasn't home or at least away from Lily so she wouldn't be asking what he was doing practicing the spell that he was practicing. It wasn't a spell that was going to aid them in their fight against Voldemort, that's for sure.

Within a week, James was confident in his ability to do the spells. And now that that was out of the way, he had one major part of his plan that he still had to learn how to do. And since it had to do with something muggle, James knew he would need Jasmine's help. And that is where he was at the moment.

After James had gotten back from a particularly successful order mission, he immediately headed over to Sirius and Jasmine's place via the Floo Network. It was the first moment that he had when he knew neither of them were busy. Plus, he knew Jasmine would be home. So off he went.

As soon as he stepped out of the fireplace, he was greeted by two of his best friends.

"Prongs," Sirius greeted. "Glad you came over. Always nice to see my best mate."

James laughed. "Good to see you too Padfoot."

Then Jasmine walked in from the kitchen having heard Sirius. "Is that James?" She looked over to the fireplace and saw the man in question. "James, glad you could make it. I'm happy to help with your dilemma. I have plenty of experience doing this sort of thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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