Chapter 3: New Beginnings and Ominous Signs

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Chapter 3: New Beginnings and Ominous Signs

A/N Enjoy! Sorry for no update in a while. Also, who enjoyed the tour of the house in the last chapter? Because I know I enjoyed writing it. Hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or anything in this story that appears to come from anything Harry Potter related. The only thing that I own in this story is my OC, Jasmine, as well as the plot of this story.

Summary: With everyone moving into their new lives and moving into new houses, the Marauders and Lily feel that a party is the only way to celebrate. As they begin to make plans for the future, a surprise letter from Dumbledore changes everything. What does Dumbledore want and what does it have to do with their plans for the future?


The sun had set, casting an orange glow across the living room as the group finished sipping their tea. Most of the boxes had been unpacked, and the house was starting to feel more like a home. Jasmine and Sirius couldn't help but feel excited as they looked around the room, imagining the new memories they would create in their new house. As they chatted and laughed, the fireplace in the room turned green, and Peter and Remus stumbled out of the flames, carrying bags of snacks and drinks they had brought for the party.

Remus had with him a couple of variety of flavors of crisps. He had also brought a tray of cheeses and crackers. "What's with the cheese and crackers, Moons?" Sirius asked.

"My mum insisted I bring them after I told her about our little get together. She said something about it not being a party without cheese and crackers. I tried to tell her I was sure the crisps would be enough," Remus explained.

Everyone chuckled. "Well, we still appreciate it all the same," Jasmine said. "I have actually been having a craving for cheese as of late, so thanks, Moony."

Peter had brought not only a jug of pumpkin juice but some alcohol too. He had brought some Butterbeer as well as some Firewhiskey. "Alright, Pete!" James cheered. "Way to come through with the alcohol. This is sure to be an interesting night."

Jasmine rolled her eyes and took the alcohol from Peter. She took them to the kitchen. When she came back, she had 6 glasses with her. "Let's start with some pumpkin juice first. I know it's only been a little over a day since we last saw you two, but the most insane thing happened to Lily and James on their date."

Everyone glanced over at the couple in question. They were currently sitting together on next to Jasmine and Sirius on the other side of the sofa. Meanwhile Peter and Remus each took a seat in each of the two armchairs.

Once everyone was settled and had gotten a glass of pumpkin juice, everyone's attention returned to James and Lily. "So, what exactly happened on this date that was so insane?" Sirius asked. James hadn't told him anything. Though he had noticed that James was acting slightly odd after he returned from his date. Sirius hadn't questioned him about it, now he was wondering if he should have.

James and Lily shot each other a glance. It was James who decided to speak up though. He threw his arm around Lily and started the story. "Well, you see apparently Lily and I are a hot commodity because Voldemort wanted us to join him."

All hell broke loose at the mention of the dark lord's name. The only one calm was Jasmine as she had already known about this encounter. Everyone else (Peter, Remus, and Sirius) was talking over each other. From what Jasmine could make out, it sounded like they were trying to ask Lily and James if they were okay and what happened next.

It took several more minutes of everyone talking over each other before Lily got sick of it and snapped. "Will you all settle down! If you let us continue, we will tell you what happened. Although, as you can see that we lived to tell the tale, you know that we managed to escape." Everyone settled down after that. "Thank you. James, you can continue now."

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