Chapter 2: Settling into a New Home

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Chapter 2: Settling into a New Home

A/N All I have to say is that I hope you enjoy this next chapter. And please let me know if you do. I really appreciate comments and constructive criticism. Anyway, Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or anything in this story that appears to come from anything Harry Potter related. The only thing that I own in this story is my OC, Jasmine, as well as the plot of this story.

Summary: Jasmine and Sirius, with the help of Lily and James, finally move into their new house and start the process of making it their own. However, there are a few hiccups along the way as they face some unexpected challenges. Will they be able to overcome them and fully embrace their new beginning?______________________________________________________________________________

Jasmine's eyes squinted against the sunlight that was streaming through the window. She rubbed her eyes and checked the time. It was still early, and the last thing she wanted to do was to get out of bed. But she had a long day ahead of her. It was moving day, and she needed to get her things to her and Sirius's new place. So, she reluctantly got out of bed and packed up the last of her things that she couldn't pack up yesterday into small travel back.

She was excited to move in with Sirius and start this new chapter of her life, but also a bit sad to leave the place she had called home for the past few years. She couldn't help feeling a little nostalgic as she looked around the room that she had shared with Lily for so long.

Speaking of Lily, Jasmine glanced over at her cousin's bed to find that she wasn't actually in it. Now, Lily was an early riser, but Jaz didn't think she'd be up so early, especially given what happened last night. But for now, Jasmine pushed that thought aside. She would find Lily later, but for now, she had to get dressed so that she could pack her pyjamas away before the boys would be arriving to help move all of her things. She had a lot of stuff and a lot of boxes. They wouldn't be moving all her stuff today though. As some of it was too heavy and big for them to move such a long distance all by themselves, so Jasmine decided to just leave it at her Aunt and Uncle's house for now. She decided that she would figure out how to move that stuff at a later date.

Jasmine was lost in thought when Lily made her reappearance. She came up behind Jasmine and said, "Oh good you're up. I was just going to try and wake up since the boys will be here soon, but now I'm glad I don't have to."

Jasmine jumped in surprise, then turned around to face her cousin. "Don't sneak up on me like that Lils You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Lily laughed but brushed it off. Then she took in her cousin's appearance. "What are you still doing in your pyjamas? The boys will be here at any minute. I doubt you want them seeing you in your pyjamas." Lily paused, thinking. "Actually, on second thought, you probably won't mind in Sirius sees you, but I doubt you want James seeing you in your pyjamas, at least not those pyjamas."

"Oh, shut up, Lils." Jasmine took one of the pillows from her bed and threw it at her cousin. She was currently wearing one of her old pyjamas with polka dots and hearts scattering them. These weren't her usual pyjamas, but she had packed away all the rest of her pyjamas yesterday. Thus Jasmine had been forced to where these pyjamas.

Lily was able to dodge the pillow. Seeing that as her cue to leave, Lily left the room again. As she left, Lily called out, "I'm just saying. You better get changed unless you want James making fun of you for the foreseeable future."

Jasmine sighed. Lily did have a point. Though, if her cousin hadn't interrupted her, Jasmine probably would have been dressed by now. But given the time crunch she was now under, Jasmine took out her wand. She pointed her wand at the already laid out clothes on her bed and said, "Vestiarius!" while picturing in her mind the outfit that she had picked out yesterday. In a few short seconds, Jasmine was dressed and packing away her embarrassing pyjamas in her bag so that no one but Lily will have seen them.

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