Chapter 5: A Proposal in the Making

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Chapter 5: A Proposal in the Making

A/N I really hope you love the chapter. It's so much better than the last one, in my opinion. Also, I sincerely apologize for the very long hiatus. I've had most of this chapter written for a while, but I never finished it. What happened is I was starting to lose enjoyment and a wanting to write. And since they say not to force yourself to write, I haven't been writing lately. I've been inspired to write again from playing Hogwarts Legacy (I really loved the game). And well here we are. Also, this chapter takes place in late July. Anyway, Enjoy! 😊

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or anything in this story that appears to come from anything Harry Potter related. The only thing that I own in this story is my OC, Jasmine, as well as the plot of this story.

Summary: James has come to the stark realization that life if short, much shorter than he thought. This leads him to an important decision, but how is he going to pull off an amazing proposal with a war going on around them?

~~~~~LINE BREAK~~~~~

Several weeks had passed since the day the Marauders and Lily had gathered for their first Order of the Phoenix meeting. Throughout this time, their commitment to the cause had only deepened as they embarked on various missions, mainly focused on gathering intelligence. They often worked in pairs, watching each other's backs, especially on more dangerous assignments. However, there were moments when they went on solo missions, though not very often, that were exclusively for intelligence gathering.

While most of their missions revolved around collecting information, some proved to be risky and dangerous. On one such mission, James and Lily along with a few others were tasked with taking on a group of Death Eaters. Chosen for their exceptional dueling skills, James and Lily faced the dark forces head-on. They fought with everything they had, narrowly avoiding spells that threatened their lives. Thankfully, they survived coming out of it with only minor cuts and bruises that could easily be healed by magic. Though there had been some very close calls.

With each close call, every narrow escape, it had only served as a reminder that time was fleeting, and life was uncertain. The looming threat of danger hung over them on every mission, a constant reminder that any one of them could meet their end at any moment. So, by the time August rolled around, James came to a life-altering realization that would change his and Lily's lives together forever.

As the idea took root in James's mind, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. Having always known the importance of his parents' opinion and their unwavering support, James decided to share his idea with them to get their feedback. With Lily away on a crucial mission for the Order, James saw this as the perfect opportunity to visit his parents. If James did end up going through with his idea, he'd rather it still be a surprise to Lily.

Despite how close Potter Manor is to his and Lily's cottage in Godric's Hollow, James decided against taking the walk. Instead, he chose to apparate just outside of the Manor landing smoothly on the pavement. He took a moment to steady himself and took a deep breath. This was a big decision he was about to share with his parents and James was feeling a bit nervous with a mix of anticipation as he stood outside his family home. Now a bit calmer, James began walking up the path that led to the front door. He was really feeling the nerves and excitement as he got closer to the door.

James knocked on the door. He didn't wait long before he saw his mother standing before him. "James, honey!" Effie exclaimed, smiling at her son. "Come in. I'm so glad you are here. It's been so quiet around here without you or Sirius around."

James followed his mother into the house, closing the door behind him. They went to the sitting room near the door. Effie retook her seat in her favorite chair. James took a seat across from her. "So, where's Dad?"

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