Gotchard Episode 23 Review

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The fight with all three Riders in the beginning did it's job: showing their teamwork, but also Clotho's skills placing them both on an equal playing field. Smart choice to not explain the reveal to the audience and save it for when Zukyumpire was there so there's no repeating themselves.

Spanner outright chose to leave after learning about Zukyumpire's situation, not that much of a fan. It depends on how it's interpreted, or if Spanner had other matters to attend to. If the next episode reveals he was busy on a secret assignment involving Kyoka, Minato, or the Academy, sure. Though he could've just been going back to honor his parent's grave. Or he felt Houtaro and Rinne were enough to handle this on their own. It is interesting to have him still be aloof since that fits his character and gives the other two their moments, but also comes across as either they didn't know how to fit him into the story and chose to write him off since he honestly could've been a big help.

Then again, the last time he physically interfered in a Chemy that wasn't intentionally malicious, he went after the wrong person, so you could take it as Spanner realizing he's not the best fir for this compared to Houtaro and Rinne. His bond with Chemies is now, "if you want to follow my virtues, I'll let you help me out."

So Zukyumpire's goals: was it obvious, yes. But at least it makes sense. He never came across as intentionally malicious, heck that's why he doesn't have a monster form, and it was for the best they didn't repeat that cycle so the Malgam focus is on Geryon's pawns and the Sisters.

So Yua was the glasses girl and the most active supporter last week. Didn't pay much attention to her last week other than being the first one to show the effects of the Chemy on screen, but it's appreciative the show rewards those who pay attention to the little details so the payoff feels both surprising and makes you look back going "that makes sense."

People have criticized Gotchard saying that, "Hotarou's goals aren't worth following because he forces his ideals," and Zukuyumpire manifesting not just a human form, but immediately going to support someone in emotional counters that. The Chemies have human thoughts and thinking, and situations like this show they're capable of empathy and maturity, it's just learning how to make their methods and intentions less dangerous.

Without hurting people, we deserve our happiness in our way. Love has the power to strengthen, and destroy, and while Yua's intentions were good, she probably should've explained that before he started to break down leading to the amalgamation of love now becoming a representation of people with terrible luck on Valentine's Day.

Hey, at least Catchula and Tricera got to be used. Still wanna know what the heck led to them getting captured and Hotaro and Rinne needing to dress up as cowboys/cowgirls. Would make for a good Hyper Video though. If they won't make suit forms, glad they can show off the Wild Forms if anything else.

And bonus touches for Rinne's new form: the Chemies used are based on NemineMoona nd Yobacerberus; the first Malgam they dealt with from Minato's betrayal, and the one that became the main source of conflict towards her eventually awakening her Rider powers permanently.

The white and shining blue, more physical combat style matching with elegance compliments Majade's combat style.

The conversation with Hotarou and Zukyumpire is solid enough: his efforts weren't the problem, he just didn't understand the threat of his actions. It's simple but does what necessary.

It was pretty creative seeing ZukuyUmpire being used as a purification technique against Clotho's Malgam form.

But props to Rinne just blindsiding the hell of Clotho from behind, and the joint Kamen Rider kick is hands down visually a top three of the season. The combo barrage and the final kick from Majade MoonCerebus is not only weighter than base Majade in terms of the hit, but Fire Gotchard coming in to do a double Rider Kick sold the impact much harder.

Really, the main issue is that Rinne should've played a bigger focus in the story. For example, her love for her father, friends, and Alchemy could've been used as a great parallel to how love can wane and be used against you, but also be the key to help you do the right thing. It would've made the debut of her new form feel more impactful, though you could argue that'd be a pointless rethread anyway. Still it was awesome.

Repli-Unicon (called it Unicorn in past reviews, apologizes) being presented with a fixed Dread belt. Wonder if the Dread suit is going to a Type One or 2.0. Style situation, but based on the previews for next episode, seems like a Super Form or Upgrade form, which is nice for villain Riders to receive. Usually they get either their overpowered base form on par with a Super/Final Form, or a Final Form, never one or the other.

Comedy at the end was a nice role reversal of Hopper1 trying to warn everyone only to get charmed by Zukyumpire, but instead of a Hotaro x Rinne scene, it's Sabimaru confronting Renge about her losing her love. It's subtle, but the relief she's back, may show signs his feelings for her are more than platonic.

Genuinely hoping we learn what led these two to find the Academy in the first place, and it explains why Isaac was so curious about Renge's new love last episode. Heck even in the opening, they bump into each other affectionately, so it's sweet he's focused on cheering her up more than his own feelings.

So it turns out Yua's ex-boyfriend is the same editor that screwed over Yuzuru back in episode 14. Should've known tabloid makers interested only in clicks and ad revenue weren't ideal people. But she takes Zukyumpire's advice to heart and finds her own happiness. It's left a bit ambiguous if her memories were wiped, but her taking a printed version of the flower she was given as she rejects his advances does fit the theme even an accidentally made creature can make a mark on human's lives for the better without a bad ending, regardless of if they remember or not.

And what is the key? Hotaro's bonding with the Chemies is countering Geyron's plans, or something else? Interesting.

Overall, despite the flaws with this episode, it was still very entertaining regardless.

So kids, what did we learn:

Don't go back to your emotional abusive partner. If they treat you like crap, only come back to you when it's convenient for them, or if they're using you for a quick hook up. If someone dumps you and their reason is "I don't need you," yeah, they never cared about you in the first place.

Two, love has good intentions, but if you end up hurting your partner accidentally, explain, apologize, and communicate so that they understand better.

Even when you mess up or things don't work out, you'll have someone willing to pick you back up.

Self-love, platonic love, and romantic love are all important and while one doesn't need all of them, at least having healthy variations of all can help you find your own form of happiness.

And if you ever date a vampire, try to make sure you don't use your teeth, but your lips. Experience. Now, what story to work on next?

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