Gotchard Episode 13 Review

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Well we got the conclusion to the Dread two parter, and while it's handled well, it's good to see Dread will still be sticking around.

The nightmare scene at the beginning of Hotaro using the Exgotchalibur but killing Sabimaru as Dread in it was shot really well, and I like that's visioned to him as the conflict to overcome: how do you use the sword to save someone rather than killing them. And the conclusion to this fits, and makes sense.

I know this is more of a Japanese thing, although it's happened in the west before, but everyone in the classroom making fun of Hotaro for sleeping when he's genuinely screaming in terror just feels wrong. Like outside of Rinne and maybe Kaijiki (I don't think he's in the same class, and for the Kyoto Trip, that seemed like multiple classes that could form groups with anyone), no one shows concern it was something bad? It's a nitpick but still.

Minato was sending reports to the Alchemist Academy Association for immediate assistance after what happened with Harima Shiroi, and they claim it wasn't received? Something's not right with that. It's a good way of showing the Association's selfish intent given their response to Sabimaru's predicament is to consider him a lost cause, but someone's intentionally stopping his reports from getting through. It's easy to blame it on Shiroi given she's an inspector, but there's definitely a set up going on.

Also, forty six out of a one hundred one isn't a bad ratio if you ask me. Do the math and that's roughly forty five percent, and they're only four months into a ten year school period. They have the time to get this done, though it's nice to see getting the Chemies is on a time limit.

It's interesting to see Spanner sympathize with Minato's dilemma at least, and it shows our ikemen of a professor genuinely cares about his students but naturally, he's going to do what he can to neutralize the threat despite only either stalling at best.

I'd like to learn what lead Renge and Sabimaru to join the Academy, it's good the cast is small enough to allow us to care about these two: makes you wonder how Isaac came to be while Sabimaru's holding onto what energy he has left.

And I'm so glad they're not using Hotaro's mom as a means to kill her off. They're actually using her as a parent first, searching for another solution instead of worrying yourself to depression. The situation's tough, but you can work smart and hard to overcome your issues. A message we all need to remember and recall one day.

I'm a little disappointed by Kajiki's role in this episode. Granted him and Sabimaru being the ones with the most attachment to UFO and inspiring Hotaro to summon UFO-X, even helping out the students. I just don't like him getting knocked out by complete accident when just having him awake to help them summon it, then getting knocked out and forgetting what happened would've worked just as well. I'm at least glad he got used to it, though not bringing up Hijiki was a missed opportunity. Hope she gets a few more guest and cameo appearances.

That poor English teacher who's actor seems to be an western born Japanese speaker. Neat, but did they have to kill him off or whisk him into dust? It's just really funny, but reminds me Japan doesn't have the best respect for foreigners. Given that some streamer got arrested for harassing people, I don't entirely blame them though.

I like how the vision Hotaro had didn't take Spanner into consideration. Love or hate the guy, his appearance is beneficial.

And we get more Minato fighting all the generals, but this time, the fact he's able to talk down Spanner and give them time, just with an annoyed facepalm.

And there's a built-in explanation for why Dread's not as overpowered as he was last episode given it's draining Sabimaru's life energy.

And their hope brings UFO-X out, who takes Hotaro to the same realm where he got the Gotchard Driver to give him the vision needed to help him figure out what to do with the ExGotcalibur. Just use the weapon creatively: transform it into an extension for the Gotchard Driver, and use UFO-X's spatial transformation to separate Sabimaru from Dread.

My only other issue is the finisher could've been better. Orbiting around Dread with a barrage of kicks is cool, but it needs that final hit to make it stick.

Renge's motivations fit really well.

And I like how this episode ends in stark contrast to the last. Spanner mocks Hotaro for thinking he could be a big shot alchemist, but Minato and Rinne start to think he could pull it off, Renge's crying relieved rather than disappointed.

A good episode with annoying blemishes. Now I'm wondering who is Hotaro's father? If it's not Minato, I will be surprised though it's probably the Alchemist of the Dawn, Master Geryon.

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