The Story of Mary Shelley and Isabella Baxter Part 10

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In 1854, Isabella and her grandson James were travelling from St. Andrews to Edinburgh in a horse drawn taxi cab. James was not at all happy because he had just taken up a place for juniors learning to play golf in St. Andrews and that's where he wanted to be right then, not on one of his grandmother's "memory trips" as he called them.

"But why are we going to church on a Saturday? Grandmama? Especially since we go every Sunday in St. Andrews already..."

We're not going to just any church James, this is the church where David and I, your Grandfather, had your mother baptised. I visit St. Cuthbert's at least once a year to thank God for my wonderful daughter..."


Emerging from St. Cuthbert's church in Edinburgh on a beautiful sunny, March morning in 1815, Robert Baxter and David Booth were followed by the glowing, young Mum, Isabella, holding her new baby girl, Catherine.

"Well done you two," said Robert, "I wish you all the love and happiness in the world. You've already shown what a wonderful mother you are to our late sister's child Isabella, and I know she too would be happy about the loving family you have created for little Izzy, especially this blessed gift of a little sister for her. I'm proud to be baby Catherine's godfather, it's an honour David."

"The honour is ours Robert, thank you," said David Booth, What's happening with William, he said he had something important to do today..."

"Yes," replied Robert, " He is giving a speech to the citizens of Dundee, if we hurry we will get him out of Dundee before he's arrested. He was determined. And you know Isabella, as well as I do, when father's determined to do something there's no stopping him."

"Yes, Robert, I know," agreed Isabella, "but he told me yesterday that he was not going to leave Scotland before he spoke to the people about this rotten government we have."

"Is he going to declare himself bankrupt, officially... Robert?" asked Mr Booth.

"Yes, David", and he is removing to London. Meantime, I will take my inheritance from my mother and gifts from father and other relatives and continue with our flax business, across the Tay, in Fife. I'm going into partnership with Mr Drummond, if his offer is still open..."

"I'm sure you'll be an asset to his company, Robert. Good for you, branching out on your own. I fear we too may have to leave Scotland, our financial prospects are not good. The orchard failed last autumn, why the wet weather seems persistent these days I cannot understand, but farmers surrounding our place also lost their root crops due to these wet conditions. " said Mr Booth, "Mrs Don is settled now and the last of her husband's funds have been passed on to her. I feel we would have a better chance earning in London. Now that my Dictionary has been published, I will turn more to my writing, as it's the only other talent I have, alongside growing fruit trees."

"Ah, here comes our transport," said Robert as their horse drawn carriage arrived, " In you pop Isabella. Well if you do decide to join father in London, I'd be happy to know he wasn't down there alone. If I can make a success out of my new venture, rest assured David, I'll bring you all back home. Meantime, I'm going to empty Mother and Father's cottage in Dundee and store everything over at Balgonie where Mr Drummond has plenty of room for it beside his factory. On you go Driver! Dundee please!"

As the trio travelled towards Dundee that Spring morning in 1815, their loosely made plans for the future played heavily on their minds. Isabella's heart had lifted her mind into optimism at the thought of moving to London, for secretly she had been praying to see Mary again and she saw this coming move as a step towards her prayers being answered. She couldn't wait for Mary to meet little Catherine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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