[Del and Iru] Necklace

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Delkira was quietly reading a book with the genres being fantasy and horror, the title and its illustration cover caught his eye so he brought it and has been reading it since then, he was also wearing glasses. As he was reading he heard the door open and someone saying "I'm home!", it was his son Iruma whom he had adopted. His parents had abandoned him at a young age also leaving him in the forest where he happens to find his tent, so he decided to take him in.

It had been six years since he had adopted his kid and it was great for him, though his kid was a bit shy and hesitant with him at first, he had earned his trust to the point he had called him "Papa", he still hasn't forgotten that feeling when he called him that the first time, he almost cried out of happiness. Delkira greeted his son 'Welcome home' and his son seemed to be holding a box, he asked about the box he was holding and Iruma told him that it was for him and he brought it for him.

Iruma sat beside Delkira and handed him the box, Delkira asked what was inside and Iruma told him to open it and see it himself. When he opened it, it was a necklace with 5 different colored stones, the colors being Black, White, Blue, Purple, and Yellow, it was a pretty necklace and Delkira thanked his son for the gift he gave to him, he was admiring the necklace when he noticed how big of a smile his son's face was making, making him look at him and questioned him what was wrong.

Iruma asked him if he noticed the colors and he said he did and asked him what he meant, and then he realized something after looking at the colors again, they were supposed to represent someone, he asked Iruma about it and if he was correct he already knew the Blue stone was supposed to be him but he doesn't know about the other stones, he doesn't know which people or person represents them. So he asks Iruma who are the others, to which Iruma says that he should guess it.

Iruma knows that he's bad at guessing things, and Delkira is also aware of that so Delkira questions Iruma if he really has to guess it and Iruma responds with a nod, Delkira sighed and looked at the Necklace, trying his best to guess the other people, after a while he gave up, telling Iruma he really couldn't guess who. Iruma tells him that he won't give a hint but will give a little information.

As Delkira said, the colors were supposed to represent someone and of course, he knew that the Blue one was Iruma but what about the other 4? To be exact Iruma chose the colors that would represent the people who are important and close to Delkira, that's why he asked the person who made the necklace to change the colors. With that information, Iruma requests Delkira to try and guess it again, and think of the people who were very close with him.

Delkira looked back at the necklace, he looked at the colors again and tried thinking of who since it was supposed to be someone important to him. Then he got it. The colors Black and White represent Amducias Poro, and the Purple and Yellow represent Sullivan, two of his closest friends. He asks Iruma if it's them and Iruma nods, but Iruma never met the two yet, not once, so Delkira asks about it. Iruma told him about the picture he showed Iruma back when he was a child.

The colors were supposed to represent their hair but because Poro's hair was both Black and White he decided to pick a different color for Sullivan which was the color of his eyes and the clothes that he wore in the picture. Delkira was surprised, he didn't think that he'd do something like this, but he was happy about his son's generosity. Iruma knew that his dad had 3 important people whom he really cared about, including him, and that's why he saved up a lot of money just to be able to buy that necklace for him.

Delkira asks Iruma if he also wants to buy him a necklace, and Iruma responds that he's okay with anything he buys for him because he always cherishes it either way. Delkira smiles pats him, and tells him that he'll buy him a locket necklace, he'll put the pictures of him and his son together including the picture with his friends. Iruma seems happy about it and tells him that he can't wait for the necklace he'll receive.

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