[Del and Iru] Delkira's Nightmare

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Del's out of character on this one and I felt angsty today for some reason.

Delkira has no weakness, it didn't seem like he had one or would ever have one. That, until Iruma came, Iruma was sold by his parents to him as a child in exchange for money, Delkira was not surprised by the money because humans can be greedy for anything, but most are just greedy for money. What surprised him was that they were selling their own child's soul for this.

In the Netherworld, children are the most precious thing that could ever be brought in this very harsh world so seeing these humans sell their own child disgusted him. He accepted the child's soul but he planned on bringing him back to the Human Realm and dropping him off in the orphanage, that was his plan, that was what he originally was supposed to do because he had no interest in children let alone taking care of one.

But somehow, SOMEHOW this child, managed to get Delkira to take care of him like he was his child, he managed to somehow like him, whenever Delkira remembers this he just starts to question himself about how it happened, he thought he knew himself about not liking children, and yet here he is taking care of a child that was sold to him. He honestly gave up questioning because he doesn't mind anymore, he's already grown to be attached to him and so did the child too it seems.

That means he now has one weakness and that is Iruma.

Of how laidback the demon is, he can very and can be overly protective of Iruma. His kid is a human, and if they find out about it he'd be in big danger Delkira couldn't let that happen but he wanted Iruma to stay inside the house and forever stay there but that wouldn't last long because one day Iruma would eventually ask why he isn't allowed to go to the outside Netherworld or ask him if he can go outside and explore. Children are filled with curiosity and will always get their curiosity the best of them it either ends up good or bad.

Delkira would always think about it and whenever Iruma asked if there was something wrong, there was always a look of concern on Iruma's face and the more Delkira looked at him the more he rethought his decision, it felt wrong for him to trap his son in the house but it was for his safety. Still, he couldn't isolate him can he? At some point, his son might one day try to run away, and Delkira was getting stressed by these thoughts.

He lays down in his bed, with Iruma there with him because he would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night for unknown reasons or had a nightmare and needed comfort. Iruma is rather fast to know what his dad would feel sometimes, it makes Delkira think if Iruma had senses that he could know what he feels because Iruma is never wrong when knowing what his dad's emotions are, but Iruma can't know his mind is always thinking about so he judges based on Delkira's emotions and expressions.

Iruma tugged his dad's shirt and asked him if there was something wrong, Delkira looked at him, he didn't know if he should tell him what he was thinking. There are times when Iruma asks a question about what he was thinking because he wants to know and Delkira usually tells him what he was always thinking when Iruma doesn't understand, he explains, that he does this because Iruma always has a say in it, he always has an opinion but there are times he doesn't tell what he was thinking because it would be something he thought a child couldn't understand.

"Sorry Iru, another time"
"I don't think you'd understand this one."

He patted Iruma on the head and Iruma just slightly pouted because he couldn't get to know what his dad was thinking, but based on his expression, Iruma didn't ask what his dad was thinking about. He went to snuggle his dad, closed his eyes, and slowly fell asleep, Delkira smiled at this sight, he always does. He didn't believe that he could ever really take any interest in children but after now? He was glad that he took Iruma in.

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