017 - first kills and friendships

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"your mind has to be stronger than your feelings

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"your mind has to be stronger than your feelings." - unknown

((tw: mentions of sexual assault, take care of yourself))


Erik expected Aloy to not attend their unspoken training sessions. The grief she felt was terrifying to him, an explosive and rage-filled monster with no other ideas except kill or be killed. He never blamed her, Aloy looked up to Benjen, he was a decent role model, brooding and strong like a soldier should be.
The duties became more enforced as Erik was the newest member of the Nights Watch. He had proper training, proper patrols. He had a proper title. He recalled times where he'd climb the steps around the Eyrie, the snickers and boisterous chuckles from other men he'd get. Erik was better now, an improved man, a superior fighter.
The Iversen finished his wanted tasks at the stables. Grenn greeted him with a joyous grin, slapping him on the shoulders. Erik almost doubled over in shock.

"Iversen! Where you off to?"

Erik shrugged his shoulders in response, resuming his staggered pace. "Check in on Aloy. She's been helping me with my training. Didn't show up this mornin'."

    Grenn chuckled to himself, finding amusement in the explanation. "Training? You surely aren't the worst person here, better by far compared to Fat Tarly."

    Erik rolled his eyes but found truth in his words. Samwell was inching his way in terms of skills but not quick enough to make his seal in the Nights Watch.

    Grenn started up again. "Surely you are the first to approach Fair Lady Stark and get away with it. That crippled cock might have found someone after all."

    Erik had enough with Grenn's consistent whining and derogatory comments towards his admired. He balanced the pain on both feet, using his cane to jab Grenn sharply in the stomach. He fell on his arse, coughing and spluttering in bewilderment. Erik's eyes darted around in shock, he never used such force.

    The emotion of surprise rapidly turning into pride. "Anything else, Grenn?"

    Grenn stood up, raising his hands in a yielding motion. "Just testin' ya. Loyalty to a woman...important thing." He coughed once more.

    Erik nodded, his lips forming a straight line. He gave an unsure pat on Grenn's shoulder, walking back in the direction of Aloy's chambers.


Erik entered after knocking a total of five times. He saw her, her resilient frame now reduce to minimal breathing. Ghost was wrapped around her legs at the bottom of the cot. He only saw her a few times. She brought herself to do her basic tasks but her absence was noted from the morning meal.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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