012 - broken promises

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"because i'm your sister, and i'll never let anything bad happen to you

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"because i'm your sister, and i'll never let anything bad happen to you."
- unknown


Edge of the civilized world. Nothing left beyond except a blizzard of cannibals, wintry forests, and mystical creatures. Sounded like a dream to Aloy, no rules and boundaries.
There was only one simple problem, not even a problem at all. Her younger half-brother, Jon. Aloy would feel horrid if she left him alone. Maybe it was her that was scared to be left alone.
A breeze of sub-zero winds enveloped Aloy, freezing her hollow face to solid matter. No matter how many layers she placed on her shoulders, the ice always found a way. The patter of meticulous placed footsteps crunched the snow below them, making their way up behind her.

"Tyrion." Her back facing him, eyes glued to the fogged horizon.

Tyrion smirked, "How did you know it was me?"

"Lannisters walk like their feet are made of glass." Aloy turned to face the obnoxious man.

"It is also true that we shit gold." He gushed, joining her side on the edge of the world.

A short silence somehow warmed the unlikely duo. A charismatic dwarf and a blood-thirsty woman of The Wall. Aloy's mind pleaded with her to ask Tyrion questions, to press him about his family and how they've begun to destroy hers.

"I have nothing to say to you that'll make you feel any better."

The brunette woman kept her eyes on the snow-dusted scenery, clearing her throat uncomfortably.

Tyrion spoke gently, "Your sisters are safe within the Red Keep. Safer than anywhere else in Weste—"

"And what of my brother? Laying waste to see the world around him become a circle of cobblestone. Everyone knows it was your bitch of a sister who pushed him or perhaps your lunkheaded brother did it."

Tyrion was at a loss for words, almost imagining the very last moments Brandon Stark was able to use his legs. It wasn't a pleasant daydream. He did assure himself that he was nothing like his older brother and sister, the incestuous pair. No matter how frustrated he was with Aloy about speaking bad on his family's name.

"My deepest condolences. However, Sansa will be the future Queen Of The Seven Kingdoms. She's untouchable." He explained, not breaking his eyes away from Aloy's face.

"And what of Arya? Watching her perfect sister be tortured by the likes of Joffrey Baratheon? Knowing she is next?" Aloy bristled, unable to hold her tongue any longer. "The way he looked at me even. Like I was a piece of meat, some weak little girl."

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