007 - unbreakable tower

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"my eyes refuse to watch you leave, so tears will blur the memory

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"my eyes refuse to watch you leave, so tears will blur the memory." - perry poetry


    Packing did not take long for Aloy and Jon. A couple pieces of burnt bread, an empty leather bottle for water and their swords. Iron Arrow was taken out of her stall, Aloy taking extra time thanking the stable hands. She hitched the mare to a post, giving her an affectionate pat.
    Iron Arrow was quick to fill her mouth with as many oats and straws of hay, the mare was intelligent to know that herself and her rider would not be staying in Winterfell for much longer.
Aloy was unsure where she stood with the bonds concerning her family. Jon hasn't been told about Catelyns' scream fit towards his older sister and Robb certainly took his mothers side on the matter. Bran was unconscious, laying in the same position for weeks inside a tower. Rickard was nowhere to be found, still too young to comprehend the events surrounding him.
    Aloy let out a fatigued sigh, she was leaving most of her family in a ruin of her emotions. Her father torn between his wife and his bastard daughter.

"Are you alright?" The mature voice of Robb was behind her.

Aloy turned her shoulder. Robb was prepared, residing in the chilled look of a Lord. She shrugged her shoulders, reaching her hand and pulling out a horse brush.

Aloy softly brushed Iron Arrows rough coat, "I'm fine. Yourself?"

    "Alright. It's not fun seeing everyone leave but I don't look bad in Lord clothes." Robb said, stretching his arms out and displaying the thick regal bear coat around his shoulders.

    "Shall the fair maidens be lining up for you, My Lord."

    The pair chuckled together. Aloy finished with Iron Arrow, leaving her to chew on the oats. Robb smiled, bringing his younger sister in for a tight hug. Neither of them brought up the incident.

    "Next time I'll see you, you'll be in all black." He commented, keeping a tender hand on her shoulder.

    Aloy shared a smile. Her brother would always be an inspiration to her, a reminder to keep fighting.

    "You'd best be off. Sansa is most likely clinging onto Joffrey's arm." Aloy dryly laughed.

    Robb's smile faltered, he kissed his sister on the forehead, bidding his final goodbye. Aloy despised that.


    Aloy was saving the most difficult task. Inside the kennels were mutts made for hunting, tracking and defence. One mutt was not like the rest, a large dog with the only thought of killing anyone who opposed her. Nyx was huddled in the corner, feasting on a dry bone of a week-old deer.
    Aloy unlocked the iron door. Nyx sat up straight, snarling menacingly.

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