014 - uncle benjen

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"you can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending

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"you can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." - c.s. lewis


    Erik woke up early every morning. Over the past week, he'd been meeting up with Aloy in an effort to improve his training and possibly get to know her. He was bashful about his feelings, a growing crush had no place within The Wall.
He stood waiting for fifteen minutes till Aloy arrived. She appeared ghastly, her eyes sunken into her head and a nest of hair. She sniffled loudly, setting her sword on the table.
Erik, in all honesty, never got a full agreement from Aloy. It was a silent decision between the both of them.

    "Are you sick?" Erik asked innocently. "You're sniffling."

    "Just stuffed up." She left her sword on the table, walking towards the man only a few inches taller than her. "Defensive position."

    Erik did as he was told, assuming the correct position with his fists perched a little above the middle of his nose. He continued rattling on about nonsense.

    "Do you think the enemy cares about the stables at The Wall?" Aloy interrogated.

    Erik huffed with a small smirk. It was a shock to the system, seeing a woman as rough and as sharp-tongued as Aloy instead of the fair maidens with the soft voices. He's gotten used to it, finding comedy within her insults and demands. She meant it from the heart...or wherever.

    "No, ma'am." Erik responded.

    The duo went through different blocks. Erik excelled more in his offence but his defence needed the most work. All of the sudden, Aloy started to pick up the pace. The attacks were more violent and swift. Erik missed a block, receiving a sharp slap to the head. A softer blow compared to a full fist in his cheek.

    "Sloppy. You need to be aware of every single movement your opponent makes." Aloy lectured. "Again."

Erik ended up slapped harsher in the left side of his head. His winced, shaking his head to relieve the pain.

"Do you have to be so harsh?" Erik whined.

"Yes." Aloy stated.

    The morning horn blew for breakfast. Erik was rubbing the sides of his head in an effort to fend away the pulsing pain. Aloy, seemingly unimpressed, grabbed her sword and her sheathe, snapping it around her waist. She was halfway through the training area when she stopped and pivoted to look at Erik.

    "You are sitting with us." She said. Her tone of voice was different, almost kind.

    Erik fake-thought about the offer before nodding his head softly in an attempt to hide his excitement.
He was embarrassed to be acting like a schoolboy. All giddy and thrilled to be in the presence of a girl.
    Aloy waited patiently for Erik to gather his things, he grabbed his cane, following close on Aloy's heels as they headed to the dining hall.
    Aloy was the first one to wait for him, not even Grenn did that.


    Erik stood on top of The Wall with Sam, John, and Aloy. He pressed his back against the icy wall, cooling the raging fire in his bones. Sam was rambling on about how he missed women, not that he every had any.

    "Not that you aren't a girl, you are a very...beautiful girl." Sam babbled through, gesturing to Aloy.

    "Thanks..." Aloy drawled out, sharpening a dull knife while sitting across from Erik.

    John was brooding on the very edge, staring off into the distance as he thought about whatever was on his mind. His eyes bulged out of his head all of the sudden. He was focused on a small pin-prick in the distance.
    Erik grabbed his cane, going as far as he was comfortable with before spotting the small black dot, travelling towards The Wall. It was a black horse, it was Benjen Starks black horse.

    Aloy smiled, letting out an exhale before dashing back to the lift. Erik used all of his strength to keep up with her but she disappeared almost immediately. The horns blew as Jon ran past Erik in an effort to see his uncle again.

    "There's no rider!" Jon exclaimed, racing after his sister.

    Erik made it down a minute later. Aloy was fuming, her face a shade of crimson. Jon continuously asked questions about the whereabouts of his uncle.
    The horse reared up to the stable boy. Erik went forward to calm the horse down and help the man.

    "Where is he?!" Aloy screamed, charging forward.

    Sam grabbed her while Jon continued to confront Lord Commander Mormont about Benjen.


    "You came to us as outlaws..."

    Lord Commander Mormont spoke formally even if he could care less about who lived or died under his care.
    Erik surveyed who attended the small memorial held in honour of Benjen Stark. It was all nameless faces, grubby and solemn at the loss of someone they never knew personally.
    Erik noticed the curly black hair of Jon. He kept his gaze on the ground, his gloved hands flexed before relaxing. Aloy was beside him, a thousand yard stare cutting directly through Lord Commander Mormont.
    Erik never had an uncle...he never had a male presence in his life till the Wall. He was unsure how to approach the matter.
    The small eulogy ended, life continued on as if Benjen Stark never existed.
   Aloy was wrapped in a conversation with Jon, her eyes holding emotions of mourning and loss. Erik approached the Stark siblings.

"I'm sorry...for your loss." He fumbled the words but meant them from the heart.

"Thank you." Jon said timidly. Aloy did not respond.

Erik nodded awkwardly. Jon nudged Aloy, flicking his eyebrows towards Erik.

"Thanks..." She muttered, not lifting her head.

Aloy stood up promptly, leaving for her chambers. She shoved Erik by the shoulder, probably on accident. Jon sighed, standing up to join Erik.

"Give her some time." He advised.

Erik watched as Aloy slammed the door shut to the chambers. He knew everyone handled grief differently, taking Jon's advice wisely.

"You two must've loved him." Erik mentioned respectfully.

Jon chuckled and nodded, reminiscing about the very few yet content memories spent between the trio.

Benjen Stark was an uncle, friend, and a brave soldier.

The North will remember the name.


word count - 1,054

apologies for the late chapter. i've been focused on applying to universities and working on my future. did I puke this chapter out at like 1 AM watching Brittany Broski videos? yes, yes I did.

happy spooky season witches!

love you all <3

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