Chapter 7

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The three pirates awoke, feeling warm all across themselves. Lillian peeked out the window and saw an orange glow everywhere.
"Hearties?" She muttered. Lillian examined closer, it was fire. The crackles of red and orange burst into a larger flame.
Luna shook Rinn aggressively, Rinn looked out too. Fear immediately set into all of them.
Luna led them both to the stairs, only to look out cluelessly. "What will we do?"
"I have an idea." Rinn said, they jumped onto the thin front of the train car near the window and onto the roof, a large clank sounded from the rough landing. "Come on buckos!" they called.
Luna stood backward and leapt up, throwing their hands out sluggishly and Managing to wriggle their way up.
Lillian lent their hand out and Luna pulled them up. With trembling arms, she managed to climb onto the roof.
Lillian peered over the edge. "I have an idea, but it might not work."
"Just say it, I don't want to die." Rinn huffed.
"Maybe we could jump off the edge of the roof? Maybe we could land just over the flames?" Lillian suggested reluctantly.
"Are ye' out of your mind? We'll break our bones!" Luna hissed.
The flames grew taller like a vine.
"And if we don't do something we'll all die anyway! Better break our bones then burn up in a blaze! Come on buckos!" Lillian snapped, then leapt off the roof, landing over the blaze by a few feet, then scrambling forward.
Luna hesitated, then jumped too, and landed. Rinn followed afterwards.
Lillian shifted her weight back to her feet, sprinting as fast as she could, the praire was up in blazes, a few brown and black dots were spotted from afar.
"Avast!" Luna screeched.
Rinn kept running forward. "It's either we die in flames or we risk getting run over by horses."
The tall dark horses ran towards them, large men and women tried to grab them by their shirts, but they managed to duck.
"Run towards the forest!" Rinn squealed.
Lillian checked behind, the horses were still in the middle of turning around slowly, if they could lose them in the thicket, they could hide for a while.
Luna's legs ached with pain, but they kept pushing forward. They all Dissapeared within the forest and hid in front of a bush, gasping for breath.
"I feel so betrayed." Lillian whined."
"What?" Rinn snickered.
"That little boy promised us he would be quiet and respect us, but instead he brought danger to us." Lillian frowned."I thought he was our friend."
"That boy is a boy, he is young and doesn't know the difference between tuna and salmon, ye' are worrying over nothin'."
A crack of the stick erupted the silence.

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