Chapter 3

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Luna, Rinn and Lillian kept walking through town. Lillian peered at the small trinkets that were kept at markets, examining which one she could steal.
Luna looked at Lillian's belt. "Give me ye' water."
Lillian grabbed the small, full water jar and tossed it to Luna.
They drank it and handed it back, then faced Rinn hungrily."Captain, we haven't eaten in what feels like a moon. We need to rest."
Rinn grumbled."We have to trade something in for coins, and we can buy our food." They said.
Lillian scowled."Ye' scallywag, were pirates. We don't buy, we steal." She grinned devilishly.
Rinn narrowed their eyes at her."Do you want to go to jail AGAIN?" They snapped.
Lillian frowned."No, captain." She murmured.
Luna looked down at Rinn."And what will we trade in? Maybe those feathers of yours will work." They said amusingly.
"Not me feathers, they are a trophy." They barked. "For every captain I've claimed, their feather be mine." Rinn stated.
Lillian picked her fang at the edges. "Yeah, ye idiot. You should know this." She mocked Luna.
As Luna began to argue back, a steady scent of fish streamed through their noses.
Lillian lifted her chin to smell the air. "Do ye smell that? Smells like fish to me." Her mouth watered.
Luna's stomach growled, they stiffened. "Sure does."
Lillian looked at Rinn hopefully. "Now's our chance. Come on, just this one time."
Rinn narrowed their eyes at her. "No."
"Please captain? I'm ye' deputy, a good one." Luna pleaded.
They continued to walk forward and saw it, a small building with a young man inside and a few other people sitting at the tables beside. They walked in, the large man looked over them all, even Luna.
"Yellowtail? Salmon or the classic Tuna?" He asked, his voice was husk and croaky.
Lillian couldn't help but notice how strong he looked, to imagine their heads up for display if he ever caught them stealing was terrifying.
"Salmon." Rinn ordered. "Thank ye, bucko."
The man nodded and walked away.
Lillian peered over the table, whispering in both of their ears. "What's the plan?" she muttered.
Rinn cleared their throat. "Luna will be backup, as their the strongest. Lillian will run away with the food, as she's fastest. And I'll be fighting and pulling him back. Deal?" They explained.
The two others nodded in agreement. "Aye!"
The man came with the cooked Salmon, they all ate. They were full, but needed food for later.
Rinn scooted closer to the man. "Could we perhaps get another? I'm sure ye don't mean to hornswaggle me money, but it's excellent cookin'."
The man nodded, and came back.
Excitement pumped in Lillian's chest, she snatched the sloppy food and busted out of the door. When the man began to chase after, Luna ran past him and ran at her side, commanding which way to go. Rinn stayed behind and brought him down, They grabbed a small revolver tucked inside their belt and pointee it fiercely at him. "Ye' stay back, landlubber."
The man quivered with fear, then gazed with fury. "This ain't over." He then walked away.
Luna and Lilly both panted in an alley, trying to catch their breath from running. Rinn came a few minutes later.
"Good job me hearties." They said with pride.
Lillian smiled, her yellow fang shimmering under the lanterns. "That was exciting, my buckos, we make a good team."
They seemed to glance at each other with respect, their first token was stolen by them all, and now they can feast.

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