Chapter 6

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3 YEARS LATER (they're all 15 years old now.)

Lillian awoke to the sudden flicker of the lantern that was set by Luna with a candle.
"It's dawn, time to wake up." Luna said softly.
Rinn groaned. "My legs hurt from yesterday, we ran so many miles to escape the guards."
"And they had horses!" Lillian added.
"Are ye' hungry?" Luna asked them both. "And remember, it's important for ye' health." Luna pointed out.
Lillian's legs trembled as she stood up, she placed her thick blanket aside and grabbed her satchel from the floor. She leapt forward and tugged on Rinn's arm. "Come on, I'm hungry."
Rinn spat. "Halt ye' scrappy mouse!" They screeched, standing up swiftly.
Luna stood at the ledge of the steps. "Come on!" they yowled impatiently.
Luna and Rinn jumped off the stairs, Lillian followed after but slipped when her foot smacked something round that appeared from under the steps.
The crack of bone sounded when she hit her head on the steps. "My neck!" She wailed.
"WHAT THE?" The others screeched. Lillian raised her head and flinched when she saw a little boy arise from underneath the train car.
"What's it doing here?" Lillian scowled.
"Ye' just kicked a little boy in the head." Luna looked at Lillian sadly, seeming to stifle a giggle.
The boy wailed.
Lillian leapt from the stairs, ignoring the throbbing pain in her skull. "Sh." She hushed the boy.
Rinn watched in confusion.
"Pray to the sea-whats going to happen once we send him back to the village?" Luna asked, eyes shimmering with dread.
Lillian turned her head."Little boy, how'd you get here?"
The boy was young, his voice was squeaky."I saw a trail of rotten bread crumbs in the forest! I followed it and found you, are you ok miss?"
"LILLIAN!" Rinn snapped, they slapped Lillian hard on the face, teeth bared with fury.
Lillian staggered, a large red mark on her cheek."It's not my fault!" She cried."We were running from men on horses, how was I supposed to know I was losing some of our food on the way? I was to focused on where I was going to go!"
Rinn took a step forward, shoulders shuttering with rage."If I could maroon you right now I would you SCOURGE OF THE SEVEN SEAS!"
Luna whipped their head to them."Enough!" They screeched."Instead of finding a person to blame, how about we try to solve our problem instead?" They hushed, Irritation prickling through their skin.
Lillian slowly fixed their gaze on the boy."Were your imaginary friends, were not real." She grinned.
"Seriously?" Luna frowned.
"They won't believe you when you say you saw us, because we're fake!" Lillian smiled, putting her hand on his shoulder. "So there's really no point in telling them, you know?"
The boy seemed to think for a moment, then nodded."Ok."
"Now go along now!" Lillian smiled joyfully, her yellow fang shining under the reflection of the sun.
The boy scattered into the forest.
"Ye' just made a fool of yourself."
"No i didn't!" Lillian wailed, facing Rinn.
They took a step forward. "You just put our lives in danger!" Rinn complained.
Lillian frowned. "Maybe I did, but it was on accident-And it's not like we'll get caught, right?"
"Aye." Luna agreed. "She's right, we won't get caught. You have every right to be mad-"
Lillian frowned.
"But at least we won't have our heads for display, all right?" Luna ignored her.
"Fine, but maybe we shouldn't go to the village today, I don't want to risk seeing that boy again." Rinn slumped. "Now let's just go to sleep and skip the day."

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