Chapter 1

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Deku pov

My cheeks were as red as roses by the time I arrived at the football stadium. The weather was so cold and adverse, I couldn't bear it any more.

That was until I saw him, covered in mud and sweat, approaching me. I was filled with nothing but a sense of warmth and desire. My heart beat so fast, I could feel it thumping in my ears.

Time was winning against me, as I could only focus on his bright, blue eyes. I could stay in that moment forever, the way his shiny orbs caressed mine.

The way his smirk formed on his perfect, pink lips. If only I could feel how soft and plump they were. Time was about to win the race until something interrupted the moment.

"Whatcha starin' at, Deku?" The star football player remarked teasingly. I couldn't help but gush at the thought of his lips curling and pronouncing my name, Deku Midoryia.

I looked at my feet, trying to cover my smile underneath the dull, blue scarf I was wearing. I replayed the reply in my head, as if one wrong word could mess up everything for me.
"Just wondering why you're practicing in weather like this," I countered, trying to return that same smirk Bakugo had managed to hold the entire time. It ended up in a sheepish mess, my lips not as defined and perfect as his.

I hope he didn't notice my palms sweating, the way my lips were getting dryer and dryer. Chills ran down my spine as Bakugo took a pause to answer. I was famished for his words, to take it in like hot syrup drizzling on fresh pancakes.

"Wondering about me, eh?" He chuckled a hearty laugh, one that could fill up my heart. One that could light up the dark, empty world I had engraved in my head.

I was about to speak before a light, bolting sound burst through the air. It was the sound of a ringtone, one that had a sweet, serene tone. The sudden interruption infuriated me, sending sparks through my blood.

Why couldn't the only time I had with Bakugo just last 20 minutes?

"I have to scram," Bakugo huffed out a cloud of cold, damp air, "I'll talk to you another time."
I watched silently as he collected his things, and walked off without a word. I stood there immobile, alone in the giant, looming football stadium, left with nothing but the cold wind slapping my face.

Deku x Bakugo || "I love you more" | Spicy?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ