Pop-Tarts [7]

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By the time the car comes to a stop which lasts so long I assume we've reached our destination instead of it being another red light, my face feels like it is probably glistening with sweat. Since she's pressed against me, I feel Reese's body tense up even more when we hear the trunk pop open.

Once again carried by two people, within a couple minutes they lower me. Placed upright with my feet reaching the floor, I suspect I'm either seated on a couch or a bed as it's cushiony. Hearing a faint groan as warm skin brushes my arm I think Reese has probably been dropped beside me. A hand slipping underneath the bag presses on my chin until I'm looking up although I'm unable to see anything through the thick material.

"Hello, Colby," a deep voice greets. By the sound of it they're using one of those voice-changing devices. Although they remove the cloth from my mouth I don't respond, prompting them to repeat the greeting.

I lick dry lips. "Hi." Following a tiny pause I dare to ask, "Who are you?"

A distorted chuckle causes chills to travel along my spine. "You don't know? No clue?"

Although I want to break down and cry I coach myself to be strong. Somehow, someway Reese and I would get out of this mess. "A hint maybe?"

"I'm your MOH, Colby."

I frown underneath the bag. What in the world does that stand for? "Most Obvious Horror?" I jump when more than a few people start laughing. Oh God, how many of them are there? I figured there were at least four--two to carry Reese and two carrying me, but that was definitely more than four kidnappers laughing.

"You're a little off," my MOH says, voice amused. "I'll just let you see for yourself."

The bag yanked from my head, I rapidly blink to adjust to the light before looking up into a grinning face I recognize and ordinarily wouldn't mind seeing. However, in this moment I'd love to have Reese's dildo in order to beat her with it. "Ivy...you are a colossal asswipe! You can't see it since my wrists are handcuffed behind my back, but I'm flipping you off." My maid of honor along with the 'kidnappers' I also recognize as my supposed friends laugh again while I smirk.

Looking to my right, I indicate Reese with a nod of my head. "Remove her bag please." Reese also blinks once her vision is restored. A thought occurring to me, I ask her if she was involved and it's her turn to smirk. However, hers is solely focused on me.

"Sure I am. Knowing they would arrive soon to kidnap us, I intentionally took my pants off so everyone could see my Spongebob undies."

Ivy snickers and reaches out to tap Reese's shoulder. "Spongebob is cool, but I'm more of a Sandy Cheeks fan."

"Always picked up a lesbian vibe from her."

"Hm." Ivy appears thoughtful. "Yeah, I could see that. So," mirthful eyes glance between Reese and myself, "are you ladies ready to party? No one is going to bed until at least three in the morning and when you do we have rented rooms at the hotel across the street."

I ask her where we are as I look around, certain this is a dressing room with the couple couches, half a dozen vanity chairs placed in front of a long counter filled with products such as makeup and body sprays and a well-lit mirror expanding an entire wall. To my left are four portable clothes racks stuffed with clothing, a few of which look like costumes such as a nurse outfit, police uniform and a cheerleader ensemble.

Huh. That could be the beginning of a joke. A naughty nurse, a sexy police officer and a bubbly cheerleader walk into a bar... A faint smile finds my lips as I imagine Reese dressed as a naughty nurse. Or police officer or cheerleader wearing a dangerously short skirt and shaking her pom poms...

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