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"Clear on the lower levels down here," a man's voice was heard. The man's voice filled the comms that was attached to Anna's ear. At the moment Anna was in the sky flying. The wind flowing past as Anna used her powers to glide her through the sky.

The voice Anna just heard belongs to Steve Rogers also known as Captain America giving the information needed to his team. Hearing this caused Anna to nod to herself understanding what he said. Looking to her left Anna was met with her partner for the mission, Sam Wilson also called Falcon. Who was flying next to her using his own technology. Big mechanical wings attached to his back. Anna shook her head not wanting to get caught in her thoughts as she heard Sam speak.

"Alright! Me and Phoenix will do the upper levels. Be on standby if needed," Sam answered Steve back for the two. Using the new code name Anna had recieved while working with the Avengers. Looking around to make sure it was clear. Sam soon did a roundabout of the building with Anna next to him on his right. Sam was the first to then plunge into one of the vast big windows of the building. Anna was not that far behind as she plunged into the same window Sam did.

Soon the two heros were in a battle. Sam and Anna against Hydra agents. The two were a force to be reckoned with against the Hydra agents trying to keep the two both from something. Sam and Anna fought against the agents as hard as they could remembering their training. But as the two fought Anna was the first to begin to realize something... the agents were trying to block the path to a door.

"They're trying to keep us away from something behind a door," Anna commented with her soft voice as she fought off an agent. Anna wasn't really one to talk, but she did use her voice when she needed to. And right now was a time that she had to speak her thoughts to give the information to Sam.

Seeing that the agents were multiplying and not giving up Anna knew what had to be done. Sighing Anna tapped into her powers more. With Anna doing so her hair soon began to float around her face and into the air defy gravity. As her eyes began to glow a golden color as was the veins under her skin did as well. It seemed to look like there was something alive under Anna's skin. Which Anna liked to say was the power within her having a mind of its own.

One of the agents soon saw Anna's appearance and hesitantly tried to attack her. But she saw it coming and with a raise of her hand she pushed him away with her powers hard enough to knock the agent out. Anna then soon glided into the air above everyone. As she took a point in the sky above, Anna saw a man gaining in on Sam. Anna quickly glided through the air then dropped to the ground. Throwing up both her hands an invisible shield was placed over the two of them. Sam soon took notice of the shield and sent Anna a nod of appreciation. Sending a nod back to him Anna looked around as there were now only a few agents left.

Sighing once again Anna knew what had to be done at that moment. With a blank cold expression Anna walked through the shield leaving it over Sam as she looked at the remaining agents.

The agents all soon began to fire their guns at her, but she froze their bullets in the air before they could hit their mark. Then with a wave of her hand the bullets all turned to ash. After they all used the rest of their bullets, a man soon tried to jump on Anna when she wasn't looking. But quickly with Anna's enhanced reflex she placed a hand in the air in front of him and he turned to ash.

Anna hated doing such a thing but knew it had to be done.

After the man's failed attempt to jump her many more tried to get to Anna. Seeing this Anna soon raised her arms taking hold of all the agents left with her powers causing all the agents to float in the air. Anna then used her powers to slam them into the ceiling then the floor knocking them unconscious.

Seeing that the agents were all taken down, Anna then let the shield around Sam drop. Looking at the air around him Sam saw the shield had fallen and sighed in relief. Sam then sent Anna a reassuring nod. He was about to say something to her but was soon cut short. The two partners looked at each other in shock when the ground began to shake beneath their feet. And then they both saw a light came from the door that the agents were trying to keep the two from.

Anna soon turned to Sam again which led him to send her a nod in understandment. He then reached to grab his gun and take a trained stance ready for anything. Anna then used her powers and waved her hand to open the door that the light was coming from.

The first thing that happened when she opened the door was that a long silver feather-like sword was thrown out of the door. Anna with hast pushed Sam out of the way but had been cut by the sword on her side instead during the push. A whimper left her but soon she threw up a shield and continued into the room with Sam behind following her. Disregarding the cut on her side for now.

When both entered the room the two were met with a man with metal wings. The man soon swung his wings again and feathered like swords were thrown at the two partners again. But they soon bounced off Anna's shield.

This seemed to anger the winged man as he growled out and he threw another set of swords from his wings. Sam stayed behind Anna's shield but tried to shoot the man from her side but the man blocked the bullets throwing his wings up to shield himself. When he did this the two heroes finally saw a machine. They then saw the woman who had a hand to the sky outside of a window and a hand to the machine. Sam and Anna came to the conclusion that she seemed to be conducting electricity to it from the sky.

"We have to stop that machine!" Sam shouted to Anna over the loud noise that began to come from the machine. Anna nodded in agreement but soon stopped mid nod. As she felt the air around the machine. Anna knew at that moment it was about to do something. What that something was she didn't know.

Anna watched in shock as the woman. Who seemed to be feeding the machine power. She had soon let out a scream as she fed it more electricity. She was soon thrown away from it and soon sucked into the machine. The man with the metal wings let out a shocked gasp as well he then turned quickly. He soon tried to reach for her and was trying to fly away from the machine at the same moment.

But it was no use; he was sucked into the machine with the woman as well.

Anna quickly turned to Sam who let out a yelp as the machine tried to pull him in. But Anna wouldn't have that as she pushed him out of the room with her powers. She then made the room's ceiling fall so Sam wouldn't get sucked in. But that left her vulnerable to the machine. Anna then tried flying out of the window but was soon sucked into the machine. Anna soon let out a scream as she was getting sucked into some sort of portal. But was knocked unconscious when a piece of metal hit her head.

𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒➤ 𝘕𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯「𝐓ᵒ + 𝐌ᶜᵘ」Where stories live. Discover now