Chapter 2: We Meet Again, My Dear

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A/N- I'll be keeping this quick, so don't worry! One, Alastors outfit is in the picture linked above. Two, I will link your outfit below later in the story. Three, enjoy this chapter!


1st Person, Your POV

It has been almost a couple of months since i've met Alastor. I was a bit sad that I hadn't seen him around town yet. Although, I guess it would be unlikely to meet him by chance again. After all, New Orleans is quite large. But a girl can dream.

That night was one of the best nights i've had in a long time, if not the best in my entire life. I could still remember every little detail about him, the sound of his voice, the color of his eyes, the way we danced so perfectly together. There was just something so.. appealing about him, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. But, I do know that from the moment I laid eyes on him, I felt a spark ignite somewhere in my soul.

I sighed as I sat up from my bed, "Well, time to get ready for the day," I spoke to myself as a stretched my arms and legs. My feet hit the cold, hardwood floor of my bedroom as I stood from the edge of the bed, walking over to put my slippers on. I yawned and rubbed my eyes as I made my way to my bedroom door, as soon as I opened it, I was greeted by my cat as she meowed and rubbed against my nightgown.

I chuckled as a crouched down to greet her, "Good morning to you too kitty kitty~," I said as I reached my hand down to pet her while she bunted her head against my knuckles, begging for more attention. After petting her for a couple of minutes, I stood back up and made my way to the kitchen so I could start breakfast.

'Hmm.. Grits and eggs don't sound too bad,' I thought to myself as I pulled out a pot and the ingredients I needed. 'Oo, I should make a sauce too, for more flavor,' I quickly turned on my heel and headed to the pantry to grab some spices. 'Alright, let's get started.'

Timeskip- After Breakfast, 1st Person POV

"Whew! I'm stuffed!" I exclaimed as I leaned back in your seat and patted my slightly bloated stomach.

After sitting there for a moment and letting my food digest a bit, I stood from the table and grabbed my dishes. I made my way over to the sink and placed the dirty dishes in, rinsing them off a bit in order to get the crumbs and remnants of the food off of them.

"Alright, well it's time to get ready, I need to head to the market to pick up some groceries and a few ingredients that I need for dinner tonight!" I said as I walked over to my cat who was eating, crouching down and petting her once again. "Isn't that right kitty kitty~," I added in a baby voice while she ignored me and continued on with her meal.

I chuckled lightly as I got back on my feet and returned to my bedroom to pick my outfit for the day. "Hmm, this looks nice! I think i'll go with this for today!" I smiled as I took the outfit out of my wardrobe and placed it on my bed and walked into my bathroom. "But first, I'd like to freshen up," I spoke to myself as I turned the shower knobs to the heat I desired and undressed, hanging my nightgown on the door.

I stepped into the shower and soaked for a bit, feeling the hot water burn my skin slightly and adjusting the heat. As I washed myself I hummed lightly, and made sure to wash every spot thoroughly. After I was sure I got every spot, I rinsed my body off, feeling the suds of soap drip down my back and my legs as the water washed it away. After all the soap had rinsed off, I reached down and took a bit of shampoo into my palm, lathering it up slightly before applying it to my scalp and scrubbing gently for a bit.

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