A short walk in a quiet place

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Mary-may walked out of the back room towards me

'what. The. Fuck. Was that.?'


She looked angry, There was a short pause, Mary may then smiled and laughed slightly breaking the awkward silence, picking up the glass decanter with a small amount of whiskey that was left.

'I have never seen two people look at each other like that'

we both laughed, she handed me a drink

"I am... rather drunk"

she sat down on the stool besides me. I wanted to change the subject

"do you uhh.. have somewhere I can stay for the night"

'sure, just upstairs, I will call the residents of Falls End and tell them to get their asses over here before the cult come back again'

I suddenly felt guilty at what id done, Mary may didn't seem to be upset about it, I should think she just thinks I behaved due to the alcohol. I had come over very tired, just before I left she spoke once more

'For a moment I thought... never mind'

I looked back to her for a moment but she walked off towards the bar door, I went upstairs and entered a room. it was a plain simple bedroom but I don't plan on staying here long term, it would be my only option for tonight, I was too drunk to think straight. I laid in bed thinking a thousand thoughts, Boomer slept on the end of the bed. My mind kept me awake for a while but once I drifted to sleep it felt like I had only just shut my eyes when I woke up, the rising sun was yet to enter the pale sky.

September 30th. 2018

I got up and went downstairs. My head was absolutely pounding from the whiskey last night. Mary may was sitting on a stool drinking coffee, there was half a dozen people at some of the tables most likely the residents of falls end. She looked at me and grinned as she saw me rubbing the back of my neck.


she said in a joking tone, I didn't reply instantly

'You ok?'

"couldn't really sleep, too many... thoughts"

Mary may laughed which I couldn't help but chuckle too. I sat down at a stool still holding the back of my neck.

'Do you want a drink?. oh I have good news, I found a crate of reserve whiskey, you and John didn't drain my supply of whiskey after all'

"keep your fucking voice down"I mumbled to her looking over my shoulder to see if her statement had turned any heads "that'll do" Mary may stared in confusion


"The whiskey"

She scoffed but then realised I was serious 'what.. now?'

"Do I look like I'm joking"

'Its 6am in the fucking morning'

I chuckled between my words "Time is completely irrelevant In times like this, the only way to cure a hangover like this is with more drink"

Mary may laughed again shrugging her shoulders giving into my request, she walked into a back room for a few minutes finding the whiskey, while she was gone I took Johns locket from under my shirt and examined it again, I couldn't get over its beauty and uniqueness. She came back in and I hid it back under my shirt, she saw me but I made conversation to avoid questions

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