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(The deputy 'Francesca' is 28 years old, 5'10, blonde, green eyes with a strong and beautiful figure. The story of the deputy's past is complicated, she had a very bad abusive childhood, she enlisted in the army at 18. When she was 20 she was assigned up ranks until she accomplished her dream and aim to become a dog handler on the bomb and protection squads, with her dog Rex they saved many lives. Then she fell into her first love with her Lieutenant and soon became soulmates. One day a mission went badly wrong and she lost the two most things in her life infront of her eyes and in her arms. After 7 years of service, she had no choice but to leave, she could not cope with the burden. She joined the local police force with a fake name a few years later, and her first case was to accompany the arrest of the father... event transpire from there)

(To those very familiar with the opening cutscenes feel free to continue to the next)

(The intro of the video from the beginning of farcry5 playing)

September 28th. 2018

"Montana... big sky country... the treasure state... people got a lot of names for it... I just call it home"

"Lived here my whole life, still amazing how beautifully is"

"Maybe that's what blinded us to how ugly the people were getting"

"You don't understand, no one took these groups seriously"

"They were different, religious, militant.... It was a god damn cult"

"They started buying up all the farms for miles, then the radio stations, not long after that they even had the fucking cops"

"Their own sovereign religious state, built here, right under our noses"

"Ain't no one coming to save us, government can't do shit, we are on our own"

"People don't want to believe that these groups exist, people are scared man, we don't know what they capable of.... Who? Their leader"

"Joseph seed, they call him the father....""

Suddenly the signal began cutting out and crackling away into a black and white screen.

"Hey dep, your wasting your time there, no signal out here..."
I sat quietly not knowing what to really do
"We're crossing over the henbane now" staci announced
We all look out the to the left of helicopter to see a huge cement statue of a man holding a book, must be Joseph seed.
I don't understand why such a small team of cops would be sent to try and arrest the most highly protected and dangerous cults int he world.
"We're officially in Peggy country now"
"How much longer? Marshall demands
"Just long enough for you to change your mind, so we can turn this bird around" Whitehorse remarked
"You want me to ignore a federal warrant?"
"No sir, I want you to understand the reality or this situation.... Joseph seed.... He's not a man to fucked with, we've had run ins with him before and they haven't always gone our way"
As far as I'm concerned this was nothing more then a suicide mission, not like I cared anymore
"Just sometimes,
Sometimes it's best to leave well enough alone"
Those few words he just said stuck in my head for a while
"We have laws for a reason sheriff, and Joseph seed if going to learn that" he said irritated
"Pratt, open up a call with dispatch"
That was definitely the right name for that little man he was definitely a, well, a Pratt, but I've only known him for little over a month now.
"Whitehorse to dispatch over"
"Go ahead Earl"
The signal was crackling slightly
"We're approaching the compound Nancy"
Sheriff sounded quite nervous
"Roger, still planning to go through with this?
"We are... unfortunately... still trying to talk sense into the Marshall"
Well that take a lifetime or two of talking, he was a stubborn barstard.
"Alright, he lucky in not there, if you get into trouble you let me know"
To me these guys communicated with each other like they were playing a fucking game of cards
"Maybe we should have brought Nancy along instead of the probie, those peggies wouldn't fuck with her"
Both me and Hudson shouted "PRATT" and I don't calling him by his name, Hudson smelled back to me.
"Why do you keep calling them peggies" Marshall sounded annoyed and short tempered
"It's what to the locals call them, Project at Edens Gate. P,E,G. Peggies. They started off harmless enough a few years back but now they are armed to the teeth and looking for a fight"
"Are you scared sheriff?"
Before Earl could reply
"We're here, compound is just below"
We all look down and out at what waited beneath us. The first thing to catch my eye was a huge white church and some huge bright burning fires. There were multiple small buildings, some looked like greenhouses, doubt they were growing tomatoes...
"This is a bad idea"
Hudson sounded petrified, I'd consider anyone a fool if they weren't, I mean, I am a fool but the point is that this place doesn't exactly scream 'welcome cops coma and arrest our leader'
"Last chance Marshall"
The sheriff sounded like he would quite happily be anywhere else but here. We all stared at the Marshall, he had a crazy look in his eye. There was a short pause before he answered
"We're going in"
His ego had taken over him completely
"Set her down Pratt"
We land with about a hundred set of eyes watching us, why or how they didn't shoot a helicopter that was just invading and landing in their compound I will never know.
"Dispatch, you still there?"
"Yes, go ahead sheriff"
"You don't hear back from us in 15minutes send in everyone.. call the National guard if you have to"
"Yes sir, I'll be preying for you.."
the tension in the air was growing rapidly
"Now listen up, three rules, stick close, keep your guns in your holsters, and let me do the talking"
Well just hearing those rules made me instantly think straight away that we are completely and utterly fucked. Now if I had anything to live for I would have stayed my arse in the helicopter but I was curious how this shit was going to turn out.. we all exit the helicopter and begin to walk towards the church at the very back of all these buildings. As we pass the many people, none look exactly welcoming. We pass a huge fire but in strong and fierce and by the sickly smell arising with the smoke, wood wasn't the only thing being burnt. As we nearer the church, I begin to hear the indescribably beautiful sound of a choir singing amazing grace, wow, goosebumps.I could hear one or two male voices over posing and carrying the rest of the male tones, same with the female harmonies. We reach the door and Marshall grabs the handle viciously
"Woah Marshall"
The sheriff grabbed hold of his hand stopping the door open.
"We do this this, we do it my way.... Quietly.....calmly, provoke them and we won't leave this church alive, got it?"
Hudson gave me that only we understand, basically we know what will happen as the men are in charge.
"Fine" the Marshall has no choice but to agree
"Hudson on the door, watch our backs, don't let anyone in or out, rook, on me"
I absolutely hate being called that, if had the smallest idea of who I really, he wouldn't so much as look me in the eye.
"And you, just try not to do anything stupid"
I sniggered louder then intended, they both glared at me... I coughed to cover it up.
"Your be fine" Hudson said and sherif slowly opened the doors to the church warmed by sound. Hudson I'm sure always knew something about me that I didn't know she did.. as soon as we stepped forward the beautiful song faded slowly.

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