Once a traitor..

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"Calm down dep"
"THIS is all your fucking fault, how could you not see that your actions would cause a reaction such as this"
"Well I'm sorry, I had no idea"
"You fucking fool"
"We need to get out of here rook"
"What about the others!? And don't fucking call me that"
"We will come back for them, bring the national guard down on this place"
"Your doing it again, where's the planning? Where's the sense in that? Every god damn road will be blocked and have eyes on, and secondly if by some miracle we do get out of here undetected, they will know we will come back for them, they will kill them before they step foot over their boarders"
"Well what do you suggest we do?! DEP"
I glare at him shortly before answering
"Well the way I'd handle this is one of two ways, negotiate with the seeds to get them back, in return for leaving them about their business-"
He interrupted me before I could continue
"How would you suppose you could negotiate with these sort of freaks, and even if they did make a truce, there will be a catch, and we couldn't just leave them to break and bend the laws"
"Or.... We could find people who are willing to fight.
Willing to help us, there has to be people that have had things or people taken from them"
"Not going to happen"
"But nothing, we are doing this my way, if you don't like that then feel free to stay here, as far as anyone is concerned you were taken too"
He left me speechless
"The government is more likely to believe a state marshal then some rookie with no past"
I go to comment but remember I cannot give away my real identity cause I would indeed be left for dead, if he had the faintest idea of who I really was he wouldn't so much as look at me the wrong way. He heads outside looking pissed off. He walked over to a jeep that was parked next to the trailer.
"Have you ever hot wired a car?"
He looks at me concerned
"Well lucky one of us had then"
"I must ask some questions on our road trip back as to where you got all these skills from"
"Do you want me to get us a car or not"
He waved his arms in annoyance as to carry on
Suddenly something caught my ear
"Stop moving"
He turns back to face me
"What is that"
We both stood frozen still while we listened
"Footsteps, more then one set of them"
"Get that car going now"
I open the car door setting off an alarm
"Shit now we're in for it"
"Hurry up rookie"
"Shut the fuck up and go and shoot someone"
After a few minutes of sparking wires and dodging bullets I finally got the engine to rumble to a start.
"I'll drive"
He claimed
"No I think you've fucked up enough today"
"Fucking moron"
I budge over to the passenger seat and lean out the window shooting off pursuers
He suddenly crashed through two heavy iron gates cause it the windscreen to blow, covering us in glass
I brush off the glass and continue to shoot
"Do you have any idea where your going"
He didn't answer
"So much for getting past them undetected"
As he turned the next corner I saw lights in the near distance,
A road block
"Errrm, Marshall"
I look to him, his eyes were set on the horizon
"Oh no"
He floored it into the several cars and people in the roadblock causing one of their vehicles to blow up
"This is a great start"
He was now very angry with my sarcasm
We speed along the road trying desperately to escape the heavy line of fire following us.
"We need to head North East, that's all I know"
"Stop with the doubting and the jokes, this isn't funny"
Huge convoys of cultist trucks were heavy on our trail and gaining.
"How do YOU suppose we are going to shake them, they will have every road, every turn, blocked off to catch us"
he glanced at me, I could see in his eyes he knew I was right but he would never be able to swallow his pride and admit I was right.
We kept driving and shooting and driving and shooting.
"I'm going to run out of fucking bullets"
"There's some dynamite in the back there"
I reach to the back seat
"There's only three sticks, how do you suppose that will end the army that trail us"
"It will hold them off"
"We're fighting a loosing battle Marshall"
"Atleast we aren't surrendering"
"Yes well I'd take my pick at my choices right now"
"So much for loyalty" he scoffed
"Oh yes, LOYALTY, let's define that shall we, like leaving your partners in a burning helicopter, not even attempting to save us, just preoccupied with saving yourself, not even once look back"
"I did what I had to do to survive"
"You barstard"
In that moment I realised what sort a person he was. One who would rather save his own skin then to sacrifice himself for his friends, one who would only keep me alive because I'm a 'useful tool'

I throw the dynamite at the convoys tailing us. Indeed it brought us some time but working minutes more hunted us.
"Fuck another roadblock, I'll have to go around it there is an oil tanker in the way, there's a bridge to the left"
          No, whatever you do don't go over a bridge, if you have to stop and make a run, DO NOT head for that bridge"
"I have no choice"
But before you could argue any longer, you found yourself travelling on that bridge. And you looked at the Marshall and back again you saw a plane come into view
You knew, he did not.
You quickly grabbed hold of the seat and rolled down the window
"What the fuck are you doing rookie"
I did not reply, I only had a few second to prepare. I lifted my knees up to my face and covered myself. As I did I heard that hight pitched whistle of a bomb dropped...
Everything went black.

With a sudden jolt I was wipped forward from the impact of hitting the water, once again I find myself trapped by a seatbelt, I couldn't breathe, within seconds the whole car was immersed in icy water, I try and look for the Marshall, of course the barstard had saved himself and escaped once more only thinking of himself. I tugged and tugged at the seatbelt, it would not budge, I was beginning to go light headed, it must have been atleast 2 minutes under water by now. I was trying desperately not to panic, I reach for my knife and begin hacking away at the seatbelt, after a few rough slashes, the belt came a loose. I pushed with all my remaining strength through the windscreen that had broke upon impact of the water. I swim up and up for what felt like hours, I was really struggling for air to breathe. Finally I reached the surface, never had it felt so good to take a breathe, I bob around for a few short second to regain my senses, I look around, I don't see any lights from any directions but I could make out the shapes of the tree tops in the direction I believed I'd come from. I begin to swim towards the shore, using whatever energy I have left, as I crawl to onto the muddy ground and lay there trying to gather my remaining strength. I suddenly hear indistinctive shouts from not too far away, I scan the shoreline and see car headlights have lit up the bridge and the water below, no doubt hunting for us. Then I heard the familiar sound of the Marshalls voice, I couldn't hear what he was saying but the way he was shouting sounded like he craved control, of course he can't be getting any, they must have found him. I was both amused and upset, I was the only one that had got away.
I sat and listened
I laughed to myself, I doubt the cultists are going to take that seriously when they are the ones tying him up.
I randomly then noticed I was in physical pain on different parts of my body, I look at my leg as and arms to see little bits of glass had speared me, from the windscreen breaking, guess it was lucky I covered my face.
Suddenly I got the feeling something or someone was behind me. I slowly turned my head and indeed, a tall dark figure towered over me pointing a shotgun at me.
"Fuck sake" I muttered

I promise these chapters will get more exiting :( I should have started the story further on but it's done now hahah

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