a new world

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September 29th. 2018

I left Dutch's bunker, the morning sun hit my face, I followed along the small path. as I continued through the trees I heard a woman scream from the distance, I kept walking to where the sound was coming from. I reached a hunting hut and I peered through the bushes, two men had two hostages tied on the floor, they took in turns beating one of them, I headed into the clearing towards them, I've always been a fan of confrontation before the conflict, so then you get your answers answered before there is no one to tell you the tale.

'well, well, look what the cat dragged in, hit your head did you miss?'

one of them said jokingly

'we've been out all night looking for you... are you armed'


I lied as my pistol was hidden in the back of my belt and I had placed the rifle in the bushes., I walked slowly around them, they also changed their position as they stared at me

'let them go'

they both smirked and tried walking towards me I stepped back

'you don't look like our boss'

they looked at each other laughing

'in fact, our boss is waiting for you. who's to say we shouldn't... help ourselves to you before we deliver you to him'

they stepped towards me again, I stepped back again pretending to act completely venerable, one of them turned round and pointed at one of the hostages.

'the same goes for these two'

the second man also turns around to torment and laugh the hostages. much so that they took their full focus off of me momentarily, I draw my pistol and aim it, as they turned back to face me their expressions changed completely. I glanced to the two women.

"what do you say to the Master of death?"

I pulled the trigger, shooting one of the men in the chest killing him and the other in the leg wounding him causing him to fall to the floor, I kicked his rifle away, I wasn't done with him just yet. I bet down to the two hostages

"Not today"

I say smiling slightly as I helped them to their feet.

'thank you... thank you so much'

they both pleaded as they cried, the wounded man was screaming out as his leg bleed excessively

'you have no idea what they said they would do to us'

"do you have some place to go"

'we did but these men were part of the bigger group that raided our houses'

I nodded to the women and I walked over to the man, aiming my pistol at him

"speak. where are these houses, how many of you are there"

the man smirked through his blood filled mouth

'why should I tell you anything'

I crouched down besides him

"your right"

I returned the smirk

"it would only be bullshit"

I aimed my gun at him and shot him, I stood back up and walked back to the women, I was angry

"if you take me to your homes I will help you"

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