A/N + Introduction and Notes! ♥️

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Hi guys! So, this is like my first story *ever*, so I am a bit nervous, fear not though! I do believe I am a great writer, so I have no doubt in my mind that you guys will *love* this story! (Esp since anyone who's reading this story is 100% a simp lol)

But, let's get down to business, i'll try to keep this note as short as possible for you impatient souls out there (assuming you're reading this in the first place).

FIRST OFF, as a disclaimer, this story and its plot are both *entirely* my creations! I do NOT own Hazbin Hotel or any of the characters portrayed in this story!! AND, this book will contain mature themes, such as slight sexual content, mentions of alcohol and smoking, depictions or gore and violence, and foul language. So, my dear readers with sensitive souls, please BE WARNED. I will also make sure to label each chapter with which themes are included. For example, if a chapter has alcohol use, sexual content, or violence. I will be sure to make a note at the beginning of that chapter with a list of each of the themes contained.

Secondly, this book will be following the original plot and script of Hazbin Hotel, and I will be doing my absolute best to make sure Alastor and every other character are each in character as *much* as possible for this being a romantic fanfiction. So, as much as I know some of you thirsty simps want it, hence why i'm explaining this, there will be very little, if any at all, lemon/smut/sexual content contained in this story (other than Angel Dust being normal Angel Dust lolol).

Third, as I said before, this is my first book *EVER*, until this point the most i've written that has come even close to this is a descriptive essay for English class. So, you have my sincerest apologies for any grammatical errors or confusion, as well as any spelling mistakes!

Fourth, I do know that as of right now I am writing to a small audience and this part is specifically for those who see this, but as this book gains more attention on the stage, as well as more chapters, those who want, may skip this part! Now, for those who stayed, or those who are apart of the small audience here from the very start, as I am writing this, I am still creating and figuring the plot of my story. Don't fret, I do have the basics down, so I will do my absolute best to update with the first or first couple of chapters as soon as possible!

Now, with all that being said, enjoy the story dear readers! ♡

Word count: 461

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