Ron x reader

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here's the next story! hope you like it!! 

Ron looked up from his book that he was studying with Hermione and Harry, he smiled at you and decided to introduce you. He made sure not to be too loud since you were in the library, once he finished introducing you Hermione flashed a smile. 

"Hey, the names Hermione Granger!" Hermione said as she nudged Harry. Harry groaned in confusion as Hermione nudged him suddenly, he noticed you and smiled as well. 

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." Harry said as he had a cheesy smile plastered on his face.

"Nice to meet you! my name's Y/n!" you said "were all in Gryffindor, whats your house?" harry asked

"I'm also in Gryffindor" you said shyly

Ron grinned, "We're all Gryffindors here! We've got to stick together, right?" He said, looking at Harry and Hermione before turning back to you. "So, Y/n, what brings you to the library today? Studying for your exams?" Ron asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Oh yes, these owls are getting harder and harder and with umbridge here its gonna get worse she has so many rules i cant even keep track!" you said ranting 

 "Yeah, you just gotta push though it because even if she does have rules, rules are for breaking!" Ron said smiling

Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron's comment, "Ron, you can't just encourage rule-breaking. It's important to follow the rules and regulations set by Hogwarts." She said, giving him a stern look. "I mean yeah, but some of these rules are so ridiculous!" Ron protested. "like 'no students are allowed within 8 inches of eachother! ridiculous" 

 "Well, maybe we could try to find a way to make them more reasonable?" Hermione suggested. "Yeah! We can try!" Harry said excitedly.

 "I don't think that's such a good idea guys," You said hesitantly. "What if we get in trouble?" "Don't worry about it Y/n," Ron said reassuringly. "We'll figure something out together."

"OK so where do we start?" you asked

 "well you could join dumbeldores army" ron whisperd to you, his breath gave you shivers and you slightly blushed at how close you were

"Oh yes! Dumbledore's Army" Hermione repeated, her eyes widening with exitement. 

 "I heard about that before. It's a group of students who want to learn practical defense against the Dark Arts. Isn't it led by Harry?" you said 

 "Yes, its led by me" Harry said smiling.

 "I would love to join" you said with a smile 

 "Yeah, you should join, what do you think Hermione?" Ron asked her 

 "Oh i agree." she added

"Well where do you meet?" you asked

 "The room of requierment," Hermione said 

"The what?" you asked

 "It's a room that is there when you need it and we needed it to practice spells and things, so it showed itself to us." Harry said

"Great! We'll meet there tonight after dinner. Be sure to bring your wand, Y/n," Ron said with a grin. 

 "I'll be there!" you replied excitedly. 

 "Alright then, we better get back to our studies before Umbridge catches us," Hermione said, gathering her books and standing up from her seat. 

 "Yeah, you're right," Harry agreed, following Hermione out of the library. As they walked away, Ron turned to you and whispered, "I'm really glad you're joining us tonight. It's gonna be great.

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